Saturday, 20 June 2015

More books available in print (part 2)

As well as the two new booklets that have just launched on lulu, you can now get a printed version of the Age of Shadow Campaign Guide through DriveThruRPG & RPGNow.

The core rules & campaign guide have already been available on lulu for quite a while, but this is the first time that you can get both books from DriveThruRPG & RPGNow...

...and as you can see, the Campaign Guide comes as a full colour 7"x10" booklet*, and is available for just $7.99 (roughly £5).

*note that this booklet is smaller and cheaper than the lulu version.

Wednesday, 17 June 2015

Cheap (and easy to make) Stone Walls

Sometime last year I posted a method of creating cheap hedges (for 28mm miniatures) from green dish scourers. Well, I've recently been seeing a lot of folks making stone walls from aquarium gravel (or similar) ...and so I thought I would have a go at making a few of my own - and while I was at it, share my experience here on the blog.


Aside from whatever paint & flock you'll be using, you'll also need:

  • A bunch of tongue depressors (these ones are roughly 6" x ¾" in size).
  • PVA glue (this bottle cost a £1 from the local Poundland store)
  • Cheap fish tank gravel (this 1.75kg bag cost £2 from a local pet store)
  • Cheap wall filler (this tub comes ready-mixed, and costs a mere £1 at Poundland).


Trim the rounded edges off one tongue depressor, and glue it to the centre of another (I used superglue for this, but hot-glue or similar will also do the job).


After washing a cup full of gravel (and leaving it out in the sun to dry), start gluing some of the bits of gravel to the tongue depressor with the PVA glue.

EDIT: see the comments for warping issues.


Once you're finished gluing all the gravel in place (in a kind of jigsaw fashion - so that it all fits together reasonably well), leave it to dry overnight.


Fill in the cracks with some of the wall filler (in a similar way that you would grout bathroom/kitchen tiles),

STEP FIVE (optional)

Simply paint the wall (though you can just leave it as it is if you prefer), and apply some flock to the base.

And that's all there is to it :)

Tuesday, 16 June 2015

More books available in print (part 1)

As some of you may now, a little while back I posted a picture of a zine-like booklet that I made, which featured a few of the Age of Shadow related articles found here on the blog, along with a number of charts and notes I'd put together for my own games.

- the original 'home-made' booklet -

At the time it was just something I put together for a bit of fun (for my own use), but after seeing the photograph, several people expressed an interest in getting hold of a copy themselves, and so (after a bit of a rewrite and reformat) I'm pleased to announce that Issue One of 'Neath the Shadow is now available...

Included in this little booklet is a mini-adventure (that should tie in with my upcoming 'Dungeon Encounters' booklet), along with random name tables, a new magic item, several random 'guardsmen' conversations, and a few related blog articles (that have been tidied up a little since their original appearance).

So, if you're interested in picking up a copy of this new (and probably infrequent) 'zine, then you can get if from lulu for £2.99 ($4.85).

Also feel free to let me know if you'd like to see more of these little Age of Shadow 'zines in the future, and whether or not you like to see me open it up to submissions - so that it's not just my own work on show*

(*though I have to admit that I do have a very specific/narrow vision for the AoS setting - so this might not be the best of ideas for generating 'canon' material)

* * *

Along with the new 'zine, I've also released a compilation booklet that features all of the maps from the first three volumes of the 'Little Book of Dungeons.'

So, while there is no new content here, if you've not picked up any of the 'Little Book of Dungeons' pdf's yet, then this booklet has all 27 maps printed out and ready to go (with space on the adjacent page for you to add your own notes).

The Little Book of Dungeons (print edition) is available from lulu for £4.99 ($8.53).

- a quick snapshot of the actual books -

Monday, 8 June 2015

A possible Age of Shadow 'zine?

A little while back, I posted a photograph on the various social media sites that featured a little home-made 'zine that I put together...

At the time, it was just a fun way of collecting some of my notes together (for my own use) - but since then, a few folks have expressed an interest in getting a hold of something like that ...and now I'm thinking of actually doing something with it :)

However, it seems that most print-on-demand services (like lulu) only seem to have a 'full colour' option for the cover (rather than a black & white image printed on coloured cardstock) - so I've been playing around with an alternate cover for a possible POD book...

That being said, I'm still not 100% sure if I'll be going ahead with this project (and if I do, how regular it would be, and whether I'd open it up to submissions or not, etc.), so if you have any opinions on the matter, it would be great to hear them :)

Sunday, 7 June 2015

Pay-What-You-Want Stair Tiles!

I'm very pleased to announce that a new set of PWYW dungeon tiles is now available from RPGNow & DriveThruRPG.

In this set you will find 17 pages of (printable) stair tiles that are intended for use with 28mm miniatures (on a one inch grid) - which are fully compatible with all the other tiles in the Basic Dungeon Tiles range.

(an example layout showing this new set alongside a few tiles from previous sets)

 (a close up of a couple of the new tiles)

And just like all of the other products in the Basic Dungeon Tiles range, Expansion Set 5 is a Pay-What-You-Want product you can pick it up for free, or pay as much (or as little) as you like!

Monday, 1 June 2015

Dungeon Monthly #30 (June 2015)

It's the first of the month - so that must mean it's time for another little dungeon map...

...and it would seem that I'm half way through this year's project already! (how time flies).

As usual, I'd like to say a big thank you to the folks who are supporting the dungeon monthly project over on Patreon - thanks guys!

(note that if you want to support the dungeon monthly project yourself, then head on over to my Patreon page - as the more support I get, the more time I'll be able to dedicate to the creation of these maps ...maybe even up to a rate of 1 per week if certain milestones are met).

* * *

Note that unlabelled versions for all of these 'dungeon-monthly' maps can be found in the following G+ albums: