Monday, 26 December 2011

Map-a-Monday (week 52)

Here it is, the final map of the 2011 Map-a-Monday Project:

...and (as is usual) a simple pdf battlemat version can also be found HERE

Hopefully you've all enjoyed following the project (and maybe even used some of these maps in your games) ...though like all good things (at least I hope it was a good thing) it has to eventually come to and end...

...however, it's not all bad news, as these maps should also be available later today as a dowloadable art-pack for the Map Tool virtual table-top (I'll edit this post to include a link when it goes live).
 ...edit HERE's the link

Also, (as mentioned in a previous post) I've gathered all of the maps together and created a new 'Little Book of Dungeons' booklet that you can purchase from RPGNow/DriveThruRPG for just $1.

...however, the new booklet also includes several additional tiles that are not available via the blog as an added bonus (so as to give those folks who would like to support the project a little something extra for making the purchase).

So, I hope you are all having a good holiday season, and I'll see you all back here in the new year with another (suitably ambitious, and equally crazy) project!

- Kris -

Thursday, 22 December 2011

The Age of Shadow Xmas special

As you might have noticed, the blog is one year old today - and what better way to celebrate than with an Xmas sale.

So if you've been thinking of picking up any of the books from the Age of Shadow range, you can grab them all for just $5 over on DriveThruRPG & RPGNow.

Offer ends December 31st!

Note that if you already have the campaign guide, and have your DriveThruRPG/RPGNow account set up to receive publisher e-mails, you should soon be receiving a coupon code for just the map-pack (so that you can get it for half it's original price).

Xmas / anniversary competition round four

Today the blog is one year old, and how fast that year has gone ...and while the regular Crooked Staff Productions website has only seen a few minor updates during that time, there have been numerous free additions via the blog (such as the Map-a-Monday project) - which I hope have been of use to a few folks.

In addition Crooked Staff Publishing has also surfaced this year (and with it several new product lines) ...which leads me nicely to this week's competition - whereby one lucky winner can choose any product from the RPGNow/DriveThruRPG store for free.

And this week's winner is (if you hadn't already guessed) ...Jaerdaph

Monday, 19 December 2011

Map-a-Monday (week 51)

Here's the penultimate map of the year:

...and a simple pdf battlemat version can be found HERE

Friday, 16 December 2011

Wargame Vault ...winter offensive sale!

A little while back, I received an e-mail from the guys over at Wargame Vault to see if I wanted to include any products in their annual 'winter offensive sale' ...and seeing as how I have the Colony 19 tiles up for sale over there, I agreed to include them.

However, it seems as though absolutely everything (except bundles) in each of the CSP stores (i.e. Wargame Vault, RPGNow & DriveThruRPG) have all had their price mistakenly slashed by 20%

But rather than correct the error, I'm going to let it stand - so if you want to take advantage of the winter offensive sale (and the accompanying mix-up), you have until the 19th :)

Xmas / anniversary competition round three

Apologies for the lateness of this post (I've been rather busy this past week) ...but here's this week's competition entries.

1. Jaerdaph
2. Irsan

And here's the 1d2 roll over on invisible castle: LINK

...with the winner being number 2 yet again ... Irsan!

So just drop me a message bellow to let me know what you would like, and the e-mail address you want the coupon sent to.

Monday, 12 December 2011

Map-a-Monday (week 50)

Here's the 50th map of the year:

...and a simple pdf battlemat version can be found HERE

Edit (see comments)

The whole tile is basically one long corridor on three different levels. If you enter from the eastern side you will descend a (20ft long) set of steps to a landing (A). From the landing you can head south down another set of steps, or head SE towards room D.

A simpler diagram:
So the wavy lines are there to show the different levels (if it were drawn without them, the South entry/exit would be almost black ...and not join with any of the other tiles very well).

Thursday, 8 December 2011

Xmas / anniversary competition round two

Once again, just three people in this week's draw (as I'm excluding previous winners to spread the free stuff around a little) here's the order:

1. Jaerdaph
2. Axtklinge
3. Irsan

And here's the 1d3 roll over on invisible castle: LINK

...with the winner being number 2 again ... Axtklinge!

So just drop me a message bellow to let me know what you would like, the e-mail address you want the coupon sent to, and I'll take care of the rest.

Note that the original post can be found HERE if you want be included in next week's draw, be sure to add a 'count me in' comment to that particular blog entry.

Tuesday, 6 December 2011

Map-a-Monday ...a compilation booklet?

So I've spent most of the last week getting the finial 'map-a-Monday' maps finished off (as I like to be one or two maps ahead of myself), and gathering them all together into a pdf booklet that I'll also release on the final Monday of this year.

I'm thinking if having the booklet available for just $1 - however it will also include several additional maps not featured on the blog including:
4 bonus standard-size maps (16 x 16 squares)
3 bonus double-size maps (32 x 32 squares)
12 bonus half-size maps (8 x 8 squares - mostly stairs up/down)
...for a total of 71 maps.

(note that the maps as they appear on the blog aren't going anywhere, this booklet is just going to be an optional extra, with several extra maps thrown in for good measure :) )

* * * * *

But with the end of the 2011 map-a-Monday project less than three weeks away, I can't help but think about what I should do for 2012 :)

Now, I'm not sure that drawing a new map every single week of the year (again) would be a good idea (that way lies madness), but at the very least I'm thinking of switching to a Map-a-Month project or something similar.

But rather than dungeons (as we probably all have enough of those now), I'm thinking of cave maps in a similar style (i.e. still done in a 'geomorph' style, and designed to work alongside the existing dungeons).

However if anyone has any other ideas, comments, or thoughts on any of the above, feel free to drop me a comment below.

Monday, 5 December 2011

Map-a-Monday (week 49)

The end is in sight, only three more to go after this one:

...and a simple pdf battlemat version can be found HERE

Thursday, 1 December 2011

East Eyrie Fortress map-pack

It's here at last ...the East Eyrie Fortress map-pack...

The booklet contains over forty maps that depict the general layout of all the major structures within the great elven fortress.

In addition, a brief history has also been included to provide a little background information relevant to the Age of Shadow campaign setting for those games where it is intended to be used as such.

However, the maps themselves have been presented in a semi-modular fashion so that they can be used to represent a wide variety of different buildings within any fantasy/medieval fortification - thus allowing folks to use them in whatever manner (or campaign setting) they see fit.

Xmas / anniversary competition round one

So, there are only three people interested in getting free stuff today? Very well's the order.

1. Jaerdaph
2. Katfish
3. Axtklinge

And here's the 1d3 roll over on invisible castle: LINK

...with the winner being number 2 ...Katfish!

So just drop me a message bellow to let me know what you would like, the e-mail address you want the coupon sent to, and I'll take care of the rest.

Note that the original post can be found HERE if you want be included in next week's draw, be sure to add a 'count me in' comment to that particular blog entry.