Friday, 26 October 2018

Print & Paste WIP

In an attempt to be more active here on the blog, I thought I would post a couple of pictures of some of the stuff I've been working on recently (that will probably feature in the next couple of videos).

To begin with, I've been experimenting with an idea I had to produce basic statues and bone piles...


...and I think they kinda work :) (though these are some early prototypes, and the final images have changed a tiny bit since then).

I've also been creating a few bits and bobs to make set pieces (like the altar-type-thing you can see in the first picture below), or to add to tables/shelves/etc. - in an attempt to add a bit of interest to the dungeon.

And while some of these objects might be a little tricky to put together, I think it's really worth the extra effort (though it's still mainly a matter of printing out the textures and gluing them to cardboard, drinking straws, etc.).

Anyway, as I say, I'll probably be splitting these things up into two separate videos (the first one being 'statues and bone piles') as there's a lot to get through ...but in the meantime there's still plenty to keep you busy over on the YouTube channel if you're new to (or interested in) this kind of thing ;)

Furthermore, I do sometimes get asked if it would be possible to provide different versions of some of the existing textures - so I figured, when it's a pretty straightforward request, I'll start compiling those suggestions/modifications in THIS PDF FILE (I might also add a few things that I've used in my own games that probably have a very limited appeal).

So, think of this file as a kind of living document ...which I'll update from time to time with slight variations of some of the current stuff (like the 1" stone doors that you can see in the current document).

Anyway, that's it for now. Thanks for stopping by!

Sunday, 21 October 2018

October's Patreon Maps

As some of you will know, for several years now I've been drawing a bunch of modular style maps (suitable for VTTs, etc.), and sharing them for free on the various social media platforms.

However, I'm not sure why, but I've neglected to post them on the blog for some time now - so I thought I would change all that, and start doing monthly updates again (and generally try to be a more active blogger) :)

Anyway, I'm currently at a point where I'm drawing the equivalent of six 12x12 maps each month* (though I will often combine several of these to make larger, more detailed tiles), and here's what I've come up with for October's offerings...

This first one is a bit of a convoluted junction - with no real purpose other than that of confusing the party mapper (perhaps it's part of a larger maze or similar).

And, just to show how modular all of these maps are, here's an example of what it might look like when used with other tiles in the range (note that the full album of tiles can be found HERE).

For the remaining two maps I've gone ahead and drawn a couple of blocked passages ...ones that might be possible for the PC's  to clear/dig through (given the right tools and enough time) - or that tiny creatures can pass through (or retreat through) to harass the party.

So that's all of this month's offerings (hopefully you'll find a use for them) ...and if you would like to support the project, feel free to stop by the PATREON PAGE and take a look around.

*note that the number of tiles I draw each month is based upon the amount of support I get on the associated Patreon page (which functions as a kind of tips jar for supporters of the project, and as a place for folks to post any requests or suggestions that they might have for future tiles).

Friday, 12 October 2018

Print & Paste Scatter Terrain

My latest video shows how to make a few bits of scatter terrain to go along with the trees I made in the last one.

And I have to admit, I'm really pleased with how these have turned out (they were also a lot of fun to make).

And if you're wondering what might be coming next's a sneak peek at something else I've been tinkering with :)

Tuesday, 2 October 2018

Print & Paste Wilderness Terrain : Trees

I'm taking a break from the dungeon again with this latest set of textures, and (as you can see) I've started to work on some 'print & paste' wilderness terrain.

So, if you've been thinking of running some encounters where trees feature heavily (perhaps you plan on having a bunch of bandits lurking in the trees - or maybe the PC's need to clamber up them to avoid a pack of ground-based predators), then hopefully these will be of interest :)

As usual, the pdf file is available from RPGNow and DriveThruRPG as a pay-what-you-want product, and the instructions for putting them together can be found in the video below... feel free to pick them up for free or pay as much (or as little) as you like!

* * *

And before I sign off, here's a sneak peek of what's to come: