Saturday, 31 August 2024

Miniatures Painted This Year (August)

So, last month was the month that I finally fell behind - I ended up with more mini's bought than painted :(

Now, granted, it was only by one miniature - so I was determined to get at least one model painted this month... just to get back on track.

And I did! I got this little fellow done (a Wargames Atlantic 'sneak feet' model):

And with him finished, that means I have a full 200pt warband for OPR Firefight...

...which, as you can see, are meant to represent a few desperate penal legion troops.

And while I hadn't planned on buying any new models this month (as I am determined to see this 'paint more than I buy' promise through) - wouldn't you know it... one of those 'partwork' magazines gets released this week... know the kind of thing - there's 90 issues at £9.99 or some such (so the whole thing costs a small fortune) - but issue one is usually a steal (i.e. to try and hook you in)... and well worth picking up in it's own right (which is what I normally do with these kind of things).

So, for the princely sum of £2.99, you get a space marine terminator captain and a winged tyranid prime...

...and that's got to be around £30 or £40 in games workshop plastic right there.

So, in my defence, this is one of those deals that you can't really not pick up (even if, like myself, you have no intention of collecting the magazine).

Anyway... for a brief while there, I managed to claw things back to 81 bought and 81 painted... but right at the end of the month I've slipped back to...


81 PAINTED I need to pull my finger out!

Monday, 5 August 2024

Miniatures Painted This Year (July)

I'm a little late with this one... again... but here's how I fared in July (it's not good I'm afraid).

So, let's switch things around with this one, and start off with what I bought/got (though to be fair it was my birthday in July, so some of these are gifts).

Now, admittedly, you can't see much in this picture - but it's the only photo I have of the unpainted Ogryn model that I bought off ebay. Basically, I had watched a few reviews of the Dark Tide miniatures game (as it seems an OK co-op game, despite the price), and I got it into my head that I wanted to paint an Ogryn for the OPR firefight warband that I'm putting together.

And while 40k abhumans (are they still called that?) were on my mind (which sounds a bit weird - but you know what I mean), I also picked up a bunch of individual sprues from The Sprue Shop again.

Now, it's a bit hard to make them out in the pic, but I got a sprue of Wargames Atlantic 'Einherjar' (space dwarves) and 'SneakFeet' (space hobbits) - which can fill in for old school 40K squats and ratlings. While I was at it, I also picked up a sprue of their new werewolves, and some 'Quar' (for conversions... as they were cheap ;) ).

In addition to those I also got the aformentioned Dark Tide miniatures game for my birthday...

...however, technically - I didn't actually buy this myself... so I'm going to cheat a little, and not count the contents as miniatures that 'I' bought this year... as technically (there's that word again), I didn't :P

Anyway... on to the miniatures that I actually got painted:

So yeah... that's just two models. The first one being the ogryn I showed at the very beginning, and the second one is the Arbite that I assembled last month (who I've painted up in white, as that's the colour they wear when leading penal legion troops... apparently).

And if I do a quick tally, that's...



...this year.

Which means that July was the month where I started to fall behind :(

But, as long as I can hold off buying any more mini's this month... and get at least one more model painted - then that won't be so bad... right?