Monday, 20 January 2025

Docks, Piers, and Bridges

As I’ve recently mentioned over on Patreon, I didn’t really plan on releasing any new videos until this year’s ‘community challenge’ was over (see my previous entry)… just so that folks (myself included) could focus on that, and not be sidetracked by yet another new project.

However, as you can tell by the title of this post – all of that has gone out of the window, and since I’ve just finished this...


...I thought I’d share it :) (as I’m not a huge fan of holding things back once they’re done).

Anyway… HERE is a link to the pdf file over on DriveThruRPG (as usual it’s a pay-what-you-want files), and here’s hoping you like ‘em!


Wednesday, 1 January 2025

2025 Community Challenge

First of all… happy new year…

 ...fingers crossed it will be a good one!

Anyway, over on the YouTube channel, I’ve decided to start the year off with a (month long) community challenge!


All of the details are outlined in the video above… but all it really boils down to is – here’s a bunch of random textures…


...lets see what we can make with them :)

The hope is that several people will take part (I’m looking at you, gentle reader ;) ) and then send me pictures of what they have built – so that I can make a follow up video at the beginning of February that showcases everyone’s projects :)

So that’s the plan!

I will, of course, be taking part myself… and while it’s not a competition (there’s no prizes or anything like that), it should be a fun project to get the year started!