Thursday, 27 June 2019

Print & Paste Sci-Fi Terrain : Barrels, Crates & Canisters

I've just released another set of 'Print & Paste' textures ...and this time it's for a few pieces of scatter terrain for the new sci-fi tiles.

As you can see, they'll be useful for creating barricades, objective markers, area terrain, and so on.

And, as always, you can find the pdf file HERE (it's a pay-what-you-want download over on DriveThruRPG), and it's accompanied by the following instructions video:

Anyway, here's hoping you'll be able to put them to use!

Monday, 17 June 2019

Patreon (VTT tiles) Update

I'm halfway through this year's 'caves' project (i.e. the modular cave tiles that I've been creating for use with virtual table tops), and I'm pleased to say that I've just completed the basic set of small cave tiles :) :) :)

This means that I've finally got all the basic configurations covered (i.e. passages with one exit, passages with two exits, passages with three exits, etc.) - as well as several 'feature caverns that have been suggested by some of my kind Patrons (as seen below).

So, here's a quick look at the kind of thing that you can make with these now...

...and I have to admit that I'm quite happy with the result :D

However, when you piece them together, you are going to get a slightly unrealistic 'modular tiles' look (which is hard to avoid when using modular tiles ...obviously) - but the plan going forward is to create a few larger caverns (made up of 4 or more tiles themselves), which should help to mix things up a bit.

Basically ...something similar to these old black & white tiles here:

Anyway, a big thank you goes out to everyone who supports my endeavours over on Patreon. As I've always said, the aim has never been to hide any of these tiles/maps behind a paywall or anything like that (as I want them to be available for everyone to use) your continued patronage really helps to keep the project alive. THANK YOU!

Sunday, 2 June 2019

UK Games Expo 2019

I've been meaning to go to the Expo (or indeed any gaming convention) for quite some time now - so, after much deliberation, I decided that 2019 was going to be the year that I finally made it to one :)

Anyway, around midday (Friday, after an early lunch), I hopped on the first of three busses (probably not the wisest of travel choices), and after 2 hours I finally arrived at the NEC.

Now, with it being my first time, the plan was to simply have a walk around the venue, make a few purchases (more on that later), and generally just take it all in...

(just one of the main halls)

...and that's pretty much what I did!

Along the way I passed the SquareHex booth (that's the guys who are publishing in-print versions of some of my dungeon textures)...

...and I have to admit that it was a pretty big deal for me to see some of my stuff actually for sale at the UK's biggest gaming con. It was also good to hear that all of the 'starter sets' that they had brought along for the day had already sold out (and that they would have to put together even more sets for the rest of the convention).

So, as I say, that was really good news - and it was nice to actually meet the SquareHex guys at last!

I also bumped into a friend of mine (who was handing out leaflets for his own RPG systems)... make sure to check them out if they sound like your kind of thing!

* * * * *

Now, because I'm on a pretty tight budget at the moment, I set myself a rough spending limit of around £100, and this is what I picked up...

...and the Saltmarsh book was a steal at £25 (even Amazon can't beat that price).

And,I know it might seem a little strange that I'd pick up another battlemat (since I already have large and small wet-erase ones, and because I build so much terrain) ...but this is going to be part of my 'travel GMs kit' - and will fit neatly into a folder :) ). And you might also be able to tell, I stopped by the Epic Dungeon Tiles booth (as that's one of the crafting channels I follow on YouTube), and picked up a couple of his statues as well.

* * * * *

So yeah, I'm really glad that I went - and there was so much more that I could have done and bought if I had more time and more cash :)

However, I can't help but feel that I didn't get the full experience, and that four hours of just wandering the main halls isn't nearly enough. So, next time (as I'm sure there'll be a next time) I think a whole weekend might be in order.

That way, I can maybe try some demo games, or jump into an RPG session or two, and perhaps even record some footage for the YouTube channel. Basically, just be a bit more sociable, and get more involved ;)