Friday, 23 July 2021

Tiny Terrain: Fields & Fences

No doubt you will have noticed that the videos (over on the YouTube channel) these past couple of months have been focusing on my new 'tiny terrain' system.

If you're not familiar with it, the idea is to make a bunch of modular village tiles (each containing a couple of houses, barns, fields, etc.) that can be pieced together to make little 3D maps of small settlements (i.e. they're not meant to be used with mini's - they're just something that can be used and reused in place of a regular 2D map).

Anyway, as you can see in the above picture, I've finally got to a point where it's actually usable now (as the previous videos in this series have mainly been getting everything ready for this video) it's good to get to the stage where I can start pulling it all together :)

So yeah, if you're interested in making a few of these yourself then please do feel free to head on over to the YouTube channel and check out the 'tiny terrain' playlist ...or if you've been keeping up with all the latest videos, then this latest one (containing the fields & fences) is featured below.

And just like all of the other pdfs in the 'print & paste' range, this one is a pay-what-you-want download over on DriveThruRPG.

Anyway, here's hoping you can put some of this nonsense to use ;)

Friday, 9 July 2021

Teeny Tiny Hex Tiles.

If you've been following my latest YouTube series, you will already be familiar with the tiny trees and houses that I've been making recently... the next thing that I needed to make were the actual hex tiles that they'll all be glued on top of:

So, as you can see, this latest video/pdf provides a wide variety of 'dirt road' hex tiles that we can use to make our little village tiles.

But if you're not familiar with this project, the idea is to make a bunch of modular hex tiles that can be put together in various configurations to produce nice little 3D village maps on the fly ...i.e.:

(the DM lays out half a dozen tiles)

DM: "OK, you enter the village of Oldstead..."

Players: "Actually, we'll press on and make for Newvale!"

(the DM swaps out a few tiles and shuffles them around a bit)

DM: "OK, you enter the village of Newvale..."

That's the idea anyway ...and as time goes on I'll be adding things like docks (with one or two little ships maybe), stone patterns (for walls, keeps, temples, etc.), and so on.

Anyway, before I get too ahead of myself I should probably point out that you can get this latest pdf over on DriveThruRPG as a pay-what-you-want download ...and that I hope to get the next video (i.e. the one with the fences/enclosures/crops) out this month as well (an example of which can be seen below):