As some of you might know, last year, Wargames Atlantic sent me a couple of sets of their miniatures to check out...
(the three boxes that I received)
...and, if you missed my previous review, you can see some of the ‘bulldogs’ at the end of THIS video (and a follow up review HERE on the blog).
However, being mainly a sci-fi and fantasy gamer, I wasn’t quite sure how I could use a set of historical figures from the late 1800s/early 1900s in my games (i.e. the ‘boxers’) – though doubtlessly, if that is a time period that you are interested in, then these mini’s might be exactly the kind of thing that you’re looking for!
(there are 6 sprues in the box – for a total of 30 miniatures)
That being said, seeing as how a lot of fantasy settings can be fairly anachronistic at times, I thought that if I only used the spears and swords (i.e. if I ignore all of the rifles) – then they’d work perfectly well in the kind of games that I normally like to run.
As such, here’s a ‘monk’ miniature that I’ve assembled and painted up… and I have to say that I’m pretty pleased with how he’s turned out.
I mean, he went together easily enough (I used Humbrol poly cement), and there’s plenty of details for washes to do their thing – while at the same time, not being overburdened with too many of the bits and bobs that sometimes plague ‘fantasy’ models.
Furthermore, I also needed to make some spirit models and some statures for an adventure I’ve been writing (it’s the one featured in season two of the dungeon BUILD ALONG series) – and these seemed like the perfect models for that.
Mainly because, as I say, that’s something I needed to get painted up for the adventure – but also, to show what these models look like with the most basic of paint jobs (which you can see in the following pic’s).
And, I hope you’ll agree, they’ll do the job nicely. The only drawback I can see is that, like all of the other sets, you’re expected to supply your own bases.
Now, for me, that’s not really an issue – as I like to use various size (2mm thick) mdf bases for most of my models – just to maintain a consistent look. But I can see how that might be slightly annoying for some folks.
But yeah, one the whole, they’re another nice set of models – doubly so if the boxer rebellion conflict is something that you are interested in. But like I’ve (hopefully) shown in this article, they can just as easily be put to use in our fantasy games – and they’ve definitely been a good way of adding some more variety to my own model collection.
(a group shot – including another statue that I put together)