Saturday 5 October 2024

Dungeon in a Box Extravaganza!

As some of you might have noticed, it's been a while since I last mentioned any of my terrain projects here on the blog... and that's because the latest batch of videos kinda follow on from one another in a similar way to the 'build along' series. And, as such, I wanted to wait until I'd got everything finished before talking about them here.

Anyway, the idea was to build a basic self contained dungeon adventure (and everything you'd need to run it) that packs away into a small box (making it ideal for the traveling GM - or for someone that might want to run a one-shot at a game store or a con for example).

So the obvious place to start was with the dungeon itself... and  here's what I came up with:

And, as you can hopefully see, despite having to overcome a few issues along the way, it turned out rather nice (at least in my opinion).

So, if you'd like to have a go at making something like that yourself, then the YouTube tutorial can be found HERE (there's a link to the 'pay-what-you-want' pdf file in the video's description).

In addition to the dungeon - the adventure also requires a few player handouts in the form of some old copper rings and a rusty amulet...

...well, I say 'requires' - you don't really need any of this stuff - so they're not essential, but they are fun to have. Therefore, there is a second video HERE that shows you how to put them together (with another pdf file to go along with it).

But a dungeon adventure wouldn't be much of a dungeon adventure without some monsters to battle (at least in my opinion) - so  I had a go at making those too... starting off with some ghostly creatures...

...and then with some slimy oozes:

So, as you might have guessed, there are video tutorials for these as well. One for the GHOSTS and another for the OOZES.

And that's pretty much two months of video updates condensed into one blog post :) 

However, in the first video, I did say that I would try and tidy up my adventure notes for this dungeon (once I'd run it a couple of times - once for my online group, and once for my in-person group), and share them online... and so that's what I've done.

But like I said at the beginning of this post, it's not meant to be anything special (in fact that was the complete opposite of what I was trying to achieve - as the aim was to have it be a simple one-shot that could be run with minimal fuss), so please keep that in mind. 

Anyway, HERE is the link to those notes (it's just a google doc at the moment).

So yeah - that's my little 'dungeon in a box' adventure that I've put together. I'm not gonna lie, it is quite a bit of work to make - considering it might only get used once or twice - but I enjoy the whole creative process of putting this kind of thing together, so it has been a fun project to work on nevertheless (plus I now have a little boxed adventure to run if I ever get the chance to do something like that at a con, or a store, or similar).

And now that I've got it finished... I'm in the mood for some sci-fi - so I think that's gonna be my focus for the next couple of videos - so stay tuned for those :)


- here's a quick example of the kind of thing I've been experimenting on this past week -



Tuesday 1 October 2024

Miniatures Painted This Year (September)

If you've been following the blog this year, then you'll likely know that I've been keeping track of all the miniatures that I buy, and all the miniatures that I paint - with the aim of trying to actually paint more than I buy. So it's time to take a look at what I got up to in September!

OK... since (in the previous two months) I've started to fall behind a little bit, I thought I'd start with the 'bad' and list all the stuff I bought - the first of which were a few random board game pieces...

...with the aim of (maybe) using the one in the middle as a statue, and the idea of using the two mech-things as kitbash parts (for a future project).

Next up is this little fellow...

...which I thought might be cool to paint up gold, and stick to a small wooden plinth - to make some kind of trophy. I don't really know what the trophy would be for - but now I have it if ever I want to make something like that (like if a game has a session MVP or something similar - I dunno - it's a bit of a silly idea to be honest :) ).

I also picked up a few (40K) Nurgle things...

As I'm hoping to play a few games of OPR firefight (with a 40k skin). This game will actually be played online... but I've set myself the goal of only using models that I've got painted (as inspiration to splash some colour on some grey plastic).

And finally, these arrived in the post yesterday...

...though I was hoping they wouldn't arrive until later this week (so I could count them as October models) - but no - they're getting added to September's totals unfortunately. And the reason I picked these up is largely because of that 'combat patrol' magazine that I got last month. That came with a Terminator Captain and a Tyranid Prime model for £2.99 (so around £1.50 per model), and picking up these sprues (for £12.50) means that I can also have an 250pt Alien Hives (i.e. Tyranid) warband for OPR firefight for less that £15! (that's how I'm rationalising it anyway :P ).

And that's what I bought - now to see what I got painted...

So, I've been expanding my options for my firefight 'human defence force' with some more conscripts/recruits (which I'm using as penal legion troops)...

 ...the above being a few female versions. Plus a 'veteran' model (below)...

...using some bits from a variant weapon sprue (note that all four of these are from Wargames Atlantic).

Once those were done I wanted to make a start on some of my chaos cultists... and that meant finding a quick way of painting them - ideally using Sonic Sledgehammer's magic wash formula (HERE is the video if you don't know what I'm talking about). As such, I set to work kit-bashing a few test models from random spare parts that I had lying around... the idea was - even if they didn't turn out great, I could still use them as generic bad guys in any sci-fi RPGs that I might run. However they didn't turn out too bad...

...though using the same wash over everything didn't really work as well as I liked - as the flesh on the first batch that I painted (the shorter guys) turned out too messy - so I had to redo all of the arms. But on the second batch (the guys with the pointy hats), I did a flesh coloured wash over the skin first, and then the 'sonic tonic' over everything else - and that worked much better (I also cleaned up the models in a few places with the same colour paint as I used for the basecoats once the wash was dry).

So, armed with a reasonably quick method of painting my cultists, I got to work on them...

...and for a relatively quick paint job, I think they've turned out nice enough (I'm happy with them anyway :) ).

And finally, I also managed to throw some paint at this guy:

And this has to be the first marine (albeit a chaos one) that I've painted in years - maybe a decade (it's definitely the first one I've painted since Primaris were introduced - so it's been a while).

He was painted in a similar way to the cultists - so...

1) All the base colours were applied.

2) The bones/spikes got a light brown wash, and the tentacles got a purplish wash.

3) Everything else got coated in sonic-tonic/marine-juice.

4) This time all the colours got 'tidied-up' with the same base colours (whereas I only did a few bits here and there on the cultists).

5) This model (being my leader) also got some actual highlights (unlike the cultists, that didn't really get any at all).

And, I have to say, it was a fun model to paint. I'm not sure if I'd want to paint a ton of these guys (I think I have two more packed away somewhere) - but he's turned out rather nice I think :)

* * *

Now if I update my totals for this year (counting the 'ripper swarm' that's on the Hormagaunt sprue as one model)... that brings me to:

104 bought

102 painted

So, despite getting quite a lot done in September, I still find myself  two models behind (i.e. the same as last month) - which is a little disappointing... but not entirely unexpected lol :)

Saturday 31 August 2024

Miniatures Painted This Year (August)

So, last month was the month that I finally fell behind - I ended up with more mini's bought than painted :(

Now, granted, it was only by one miniature - so I was determined to get at least one model painted this month... just to get back on track.

And I did! I got this little fellow done (a Wargames Atlantic 'sneak feet' model):

And with him finished, that means I have a full 200pt warband for OPR Firefight...

...which, as you can see, are meant to represent a few desperate penal legion troops.

And while I hadn't planned on buying any new models this month (as I am determined to see this 'paint more than I buy' promise through) - wouldn't you know it... one of those 'partwork' magazines gets released this week... know the kind of thing - there's 90 issues at £9.99 or some such (so the whole thing costs a small fortune) - but issue one is usually a steal (i.e. to try and hook you in)... and well worth picking up in it's own right (which is what I normally do with these kind of things).

So, for the princely sum of £2.99, you get a space marine terminator captain and a winged tyranid prime...

...and that's got to be around £30 or £40 in games workshop plastic right there.

So, in my defence, this is one of those deals that you can't really not pick up (even if, like myself, you have no intention of collecting the magazine).

Anyway... for a brief while there, I managed to claw things back to 81 bought and 81 painted... but right at the end of the month I've slipped back to...


81 PAINTED I need to pull my finger out!

Monday 5 August 2024

Miniatures Painted This Year (July)

I'm a little late with this one... again... but here's how I fared in July (it's not good I'm afraid).

So, let's switch things around with this one, and start off with what I bought/got (though to be fair it was my birthday in July, so some of these are gifts).

Now, admittedly, you can't see much in this picture - but it's the only photo I have of the unpainted Ogryn model that I bought off ebay. Basically, I had watched a few reviews of the Dark Tide miniatures game (as it seems an OK co-op game, despite the price), and I got it into my head that I wanted to paint an Ogryn for the OPR firefight warband that I'm putting together.

And while 40k abhumans (are they still called that?) were on my mind (which sounds a bit weird - but you know what I mean), I also picked up a bunch of individual sprues from The Sprue Shop again.

Now, it's a bit hard to make them out in the pic, but I got a sprue of Wargames Atlantic 'Einherjar' (space dwarves) and 'SneakFeet' (space hobbits) - which can fill in for old school 40K squats and ratlings. While I was at it, I also picked up a sprue of their new werewolves, and some 'Quar' (for conversions... as they were cheap ;) ).

In addition to those I also got the aformentioned Dark Tide miniatures game for my birthday...

...however, technically - I didn't actually buy this myself... so I'm going to cheat a little, and not count the contents as miniatures that 'I' bought this year... as technically (there's that word again), I didn't :P

Anyway... on to the miniatures that I actually got painted:

So yeah... that's just two models. The first one being the ogryn I showed at the very beginning, and the second one is the Arbite that I assembled last month (who I've painted up in white, as that's the colour they wear when leading penal legion troops... apparently).

And if I do a quick tally, that's...



...this year.

Which means that July was the month where I started to fall behind :(

But, as long as I can hold off buying any more mini's this month... and get at least one more model painted - then that won't be so bad... right?

Sunday 7 July 2024

Five Leagues From the Borderlands (part 7) – Delve Aftermath

So, I ended my last (5 leagues) post when I finished the first level of the delve/dungeon (as it was already a long post, and I didn’t want to make it even longer). However, that meant that I didn’t complete the resolution stage – so that’s how I’ll start things off here:



XP was awarded, and Muzlug’s fate was rolled (I originally got a ‘serious injury’ for him – but decided to use a dose of silvertree leaf to re-roll – resulting in a damaged weapon instead).

Because I achieved the objective, I think I also get to roll on the loot table.

And because I (technically) held the field, I assume I roll on the unusual finds table too.

And to finish things off, I also rolled on the ‘news travels’ table (which indicated that I needed to add a hidden monster lair to the map).



Mountain’ Bane (weapon) – goes to Muzlug

Camp Gear – goes in backpack

Jars of spices (2 gold) – goes in backpack

Talisman – goes to Golb

Mystical Ring – goes to Lagashi

Icon – goes to Lagashi


And since this would be a rather short post if I left it at that, I’m also going to get started on...



Camp Events: Good location (+2 to ‘hunting expedition’ or ‘forage for herbs’ rolls).

Hard Times: 2 upkeep.

Activities: Live off the land (to offset upkeep cost) & Hunting Expedition (I obtain 2 rations).

Research: Gain a contract (offered by townsfolk to negotiate a deal – they will pay 2 gold). To complete this I will need to visit the Loot Exchange, the ‘Uruk Hold, and the Orc Outpost, and succeed an 8+ speech test in at least two of them. I also need to do it within 5 turns.

As such I decide to return to the orc outpost (which requires a travel roll) – and meet a friendly peasant on the way (i.e. I get to add a ‘friend’).

News Travels: The rangers (orc trackers in my case) have been scouting the area. Add 2 AP

* * *


Things weren’t looking good for Muzlug… his black blood was already pooling about him by the time the last of the giant rats had been dealt with.

Now, normally, this wouldn’t have troubled Lagashi much – but this new orc that had appeared on the scene… this Pushdug fellow – she did not like the look of him at all. So, even though she cared little for Muzlug, she at least knew where she stood with the great uruk – so she poured some of the orcish liquor down his throat, and hoped it wouldn’t be too late to save him.

Luckily it was not – but in his fall, Muzlug had managed to break the haft of his great spear. And so, upon regaining his feet (and despite feeling a little groggy still), he snatched the dwarven hammer from Golb’s belt, and claimed it for his own.

The group then took some time to give the place a thorough search, and skinned and roasted several of the dead rats that they had left in their wake (as Snagluk convinced them that they’d make ‘good eatin’). They even had several left over.

After their meal (and once the loot was ‘fairly’ distributed), the matter of Pushdug’s sudden appearance was brought into question…

He was known to Muzlug – and he had apparently been here since the battle in the Dimrill Dale (being part of the host that had taken the first hall). However, most of his own lads had been killed by the filthy longbeards in that conflict… and so when he thought he saw Muzlug back in camp, he followed the group here, to see if it was indeed his former comrade… and if so, to see if he could join the warband.

This seemed good enough for Muzlug – but Lagashi still had her suspicions… though the new arrival also brought news of a troll lair nearby… and informed them that Grob (the orc chieftain) had put a hefty price on it’s head (though not for it’s slaughter – the goal was to subdue it, and bring it back alive).

* * *

On their way back to the outpost, they bumped into a scraggly snaga named Bagna – a snivelling wretch that fawned upon the group, and followed them back ‘home.’

* * *

Back in camp, things had started to heat up. A couple of scouting parties had reported dwarven activity on the level above, and a heavily armed patrol had been sent out… but was yet to return.

It was also apparent that, despite initial appearances, communications between the disparate orc groups that were occupying these halls was in danger of breaking down. Furthermore, the rearming of troops wasn’t as speedy as it might be… and some of the (false) rumours running through the camp (such as the Uruk Hold falling into dwarf hands) were becoming troublesome to say the least.

As such, Muzlug and Lagashi thought it might be worthwhile bringing some of this up with Grob (assuming they could gain an audience) – and seeing if they could convince him to send them out to re-establish connections, and put some of the rumours to rest.

* * *


Since I started blogging about my 5 leagues games, I’ve been asked (in a few different places) about the tokens and exploration markers that I’ve been using (and if I’d be willing to share them).

Now, the crates themselves are just a slight modification of some of the stuff that’s already appeared on my Youtube channel… here’s a snippet from one of my videos where I show how they are assembled...

...but other stuff (like the unknown enemy tokens) are kinda specific to the game itself.

So, I’ve been in touch with Ivan (from Nordic Weasel) – just to make sure he has no objections to me sharing a pdf file that contains all of these tokens… and he’s kindly agreed – so I have uploaded them to google drive HERE.

(the 2D tokens have just been glued to thick card)

So, here’s hoping you can put them to use!

(note that I’m still pretty new to the game, so if there is anything else that I need to add, or something that I’ve missed – feel free to let me know)

Tuesday 2 July 2024

Miniatures Painted This Year (June)

So, in last month’s round-up I mentioned some cheap 1:72 scale trolls that I had bought… i.e. these ones here:

And I have to say that, while I really like the sculpts (and their size)… they were a bit of a pain to work with.

(scale comparison with some Reaper orcs)

The mould lines were terrible, and they are made of the kind of cheap plastic that is pretty much impossible to clean up. I almost ruined a couple of them trying… and had to do a weapon swap to make one good model out of two of them (though I had trouble getting the glue and greenstuff to stick).

So, in the end I just painted them as they were… and so long as you don’t look too hard (and ignore the mould lines), they look pretty good I think. Though I do wish I had gone with a slightly greyer blue for their scales, but on the whole, I’m happy I bought them (as I was having some serious doubts at the beginning).

Similarly, last month I also mentioned doing a little painting video with these guys (a kind of beginners guide to painting your first mini’s):

 However, it didn’t really come out very well… so it ended up being a big waste of time. I guess I’ll leave the mini painting videos to the experts :)

So while I did get them painted, they ended up being stripped – so I can’t really count them towards my ‘finished’ totals.

* * *

Mini’s Bought

It’s been another month of buying more than I’ve painted I’m afraid (the very thing I was trying to avoid this year)… and that started off with this Arbite guy (essentially 40k police)… which I have assembled at least:

And the plan for this model is to paint him with white armour so that he can lead the ‘penal legion’ troops that I started painting a while back (for OPR firefight).

And then there were all of these WW2 models (all from Wargames Atlantic)…


The first are German sentries (6 infantry and 2 dogs), the second are (another 6) British commando/SAS types, and the third and fourth are (a total of 12) BEF models.

So, including the dogs and the 40k model, that’s another 27 miniatures to add to my pile of shame.

And if I add the 3 trolls to my ‘done’ list, that brings the grand total for the first half of this year to:



So, I’m still ‘in credit’ (so to speak)… but it seems that I’ve already started to slide back into my old ways :O

Monday 17 June 2024

Five Leagues From the Borderlands (part 6) – Delving the Dungeon!

OK, so in my last 5 Leagues update I did all the preparation for the next campaign turn, and got the table ready for the next battle… so here’s how it went:


Advancing down the steps, Lagashi began chanting words of power… words that summoned a swarm of fell bats in front of her – thus screening her from any danger that might lie ahead.

Soon after, the patter of tiny clawed feet echoed throughout the dungeon, as the rat-like denizens that had made this place their home began moving around… alerting the orc band to their presence.

Hearing this, Muzlug commanded the rest of his lads to gather at the foot of the stairs – and to ready their weapons.


After his previous experience with the wargs, Golb was not too keen about being up front with the possibility of foes drawing nearer – so he stepped to one side and opened the creaky iron gate to his left – to ‘free up more space’ ...or so he claimed.

No sooner as he did that, a pair of giant rats burst through the holes in the wooden door to the right, and got caught up in Lagashi’s bats. One was killed almost instantly, while the other was sorely wounded… but that too was swiftly dispatched as Muzlug stepped forward, spear in hand.

However, off in the distance, similar scratching/squeaking noises continued to echo...


(the ‘king rat’ reaches point 3 and begins moving towards point 6)

With no enemies in sight Muzlug kicked open the door, showering the room beyond in splinters – but revealing no foes. Regardless, he ordered the rest to form up around him.


At the far end of the passage the wall between it and the well room had collapsed… but through it their remained little cracks and tunnels through which the rats could move – and they put them to use now, and appeared without warning upon the orc flank.

NOTE: I had to step away from the table here… and when I got back I forgot where I was, and started turn 5 without activating the rest of my guys. So I’ll rationalise that by saying that they were all taken completely by surprise by this turn of events.


Spotting the rat-like beasts out of the corner of his eye, Snagluk loosed his bow, and stuck an arrow in the lead creature. But this was a huge beast (easily twice the size of the ones encountered previously), and it seemed to hardly notice the arrow embedded in its side (i.e. being a ‘captain’ it cannot be stunned).

Acting quickly, Lagashi stepped in front of him, and with an outstretched hand and a commanding voice, ordered the beasts to halt (i.e. she attempts to cast ‘bind’ – but fails).

Unperturbed, the lead rat closed the distance with incredible speed, and charged headlong into the swarm of bats. However, the bats quickly gained the upper hand – wounding and pushing the feral beast back.

Then on came the smaller creature… rushing headlong towards Lagashi – but neither rat nor orc could gain the upper hand in that brief duel (i.e. it was a draw).

NOTE: Once again, I got distracted… and forgot to activate my last two guys in the slow phase… so, once again I’ll justify that by saying…

Meanwhile, Muzlug and Golb (thinking that Lagashi’s spell had done its job) had continued to survey the room beyond the broken door; taking their time to make sure that there were no further threats lurking in the darkness. But something had gone awry… the rat-like beasts in the passage behind them were still coming… indeed they were upon them!


Snagluk hurriedly fitted another arrow to his bow and let it fly… but even then, was too late in loosing it.

In came the smaller rat, swiftly ducking beneath the wayward arrow, but was thankfully repelled by the summoned bats that (once again) formed a defensive barrier between it and Lagashi.

Then came the rat king (for so it was), tearing bats from the air as it came.

That’s when Golb (thought he) saw an opening, and engaged the beast while it finished tearing the remaining bats to ribbons. However, he quickly regretted his decision, and was forced to hide behind his shield as he was repeatedly beaten back.

Not liking the way things were going, Muzlug stepped up and forced the thing to retreat (though he did not follow up himself… as he deemed it unwise to be caught out in the open, and risk being attacked on two sides).

And, while all of this was happening, Lagashi had planted her feet and began chanting again… this time taking care to utter the words slowly and precisely, and lacing them with all of her malice.

As such, this time when she commanded the beasts to halt, the larger one at least had no choice but to obey!

(note that during the past two turns the final pack of rats had reached point 2, and were now headed towards point 1 – which would lead them right past the ongoing battle in the passage)


With the main threat temporarily bound in place, Snagluk took his time with his next shot, and slew the smaller creature where it stood.

Similarly, Muzlug weighed up his options, and drove his spear at king rat… hitting it with a blow that would have, at the very least, stunned a lesser foe… but the beast (despite being forced back) seemed unfazed (though still unable to break free of Lagashi’s spell).

Meanwhile, seeing things were improving in the passage (and not knowing that more rats were en route) Golb and Lagashi entered the hall to their right… and began making their way over to something that had caught their eye (i.e. exploration marker 1).


NOTE THAT, IT’S AT THIS POINT THAT I DECIDED TO USE THE ‘What about old friends?” CARD TO BRING IN AN EXTRA HERO (as I was getting a little bit tired of being tied up in the same passage). So:

Back towards the way they had came, Muzlug and Snagluk thought they heard the sound of booted feet echoing down the stone steps.

“‘Ere, Muzlug… I thought that was you. Looks like you’ve landed yerself in a spot of bovva’!” came an evil sounding voice… one that both orcs were familiar with. It was Pushdug.

Any questions as to why and how he was here would have to wait – for now Muzlug simply barked “Get stuck in you lazy slug!”


Snagluk cursed loudly as he did little more than distract king rat with another ineffectual arrow – though, seeing this, Muzlug thrust his heavy spear into the creatures face – wounding it deeply and beating it back temporarily.

The beast then struck back wildly, its teeth thwarted by the large orc’s armour, and was then quickly silenced by Muzlug’s counter attack.

Though any hope of respite was quickly shattered, as two more giant rats burst through the second rusty gate.

The first of the pair fared poorly against Muzlug – and was cut down after failing to land a blow.

The second followed close on the heels of the first… but neither it nor Muzlug could do anything other than fend off each others attacks.

Meanwhile, Pushdug slowly advanced down the passage, and was greeted by Lagashi (who had come to see who it was, and to make sure that this interloper meant them no harm). However, seeing the lone rat near to the rusty gate, she let loose a stone from her sling… temporarily stunning the creature.

And while all of this was going on, Golb began rummaging through the rubble piled up behind the pillar in the room he had entered, and uncovered a dwarvish looking hammer. He wasn’t sure if it was something he’d want to use – but it might be something he could trade back in camp.


In a desperate final attempt, the last rat threw itself at Muzlug, but was cut down – leaving Muzlug and Snagluk free to move towards point 6, while Pushdug and Lagashi headed off towards point 5.

Golb also began to make/sneak his way back towards the passage.


Upon reaching the site of the cave in (i.e. exploration marker 6) Muzlug did a bit of digging around – but clumsily caused more of the wall to collapse… making a tremendous amount of noise in the process (i.e. he sets off an alarm trap that generates two more enemies on the opposite side of the board).

Meanwhile, the rest of the group gather in the chamber off to the left of the main passage.


Pushdug made his way over to a pile of broken and rotting crates, and began to rummage through them. And, while he couldn’t be certain, he was fairly sure something had been stashed there recently – and so he called back to Golb to take over the search… as he himself had seen hurried movement off in the distance… that of two more rats moving directly towards them.

At the same time Snagluk moved into the chamber, took up a defensive position near the stone arches, and loosed an arrow in the rough direction of the advancing rats.


Fitting yet another arrow to his bow, Snagluk gritted his teeth and fired again… but accomplished little more than losing another arrow to the darkness.

Seeing this, Muzlug charged into the room and slew the nearest rat – while Lagashi simultaneously stunned the other with a carefully placed sling shot.


While the others dealt with the remaining rat (this time Snagluk finally managed to take care of one with his bow) and advanced further into the ‘dungeon,’ Golb gathered a few bits and bobs from the rubbish pile that would serve as ‘camp gear’ in a pinch.


At marker 2 Muzlug thought he saw something hidden… but it turned out to be nothing.

At marker 3 Golb found a (guarded) stash containing bandages (or things that could pass as such), jars of spices (I’m going to judge that the jars themselves are decorative, and worth the associated 2 gold), and a talisman (this last one he concealed from the others).

However, while the party filled their waterskins and rummaged through the detritus, three more rats came scurrying up the steps (from a deeper level) and rushed Muzlug… taking him by surprise again, and wounding him grievously (taking him out of the game).

In the melee that followed, the rats were quickly dispatched (the last one was slain by the newly arrived Pushdug) – and though there were still a few areas yet to be explored, the group decided that they would go no further that day, and tend to Muzlug’s wounds…

...that is...

...assuming he’s still alive!