Monday 30 November 2020

Cyber Monday Giveaway

If you're anything like me, you're probably a sick and tired of all the 'Black Friday' nonsense you've been getting ALL of this last month - so to buck the trend (as I often do), I thought I would give away a few booklets instead :)

So, here's a couple of links to some of my older stuff over on DriveThru - just click on them and the booklet should get added to your basket for free :)

Little Book of Dungeons Vol. 1

Little Book of Dungeons Vol. 2

Little Book of Dungeons Vol. 3

Hope you can put them to use!

(note that the 'free codes' last until tomorrow)

Thursday 26 November 2020

Print & Paste Terrain : House Decoration

Despite it only being a single page, this latest download took quite a while to create - largely due to the fact that there's quite a lot of detail in some of the pieces, and I was trying out some new techniques.

That being said, I'm quite happy with the results (despite the fact that I might just be adding needless fiddly details at this point) ...and, as I say in the video, some of these bits and pieces should prove useful for the 2nd 'challenge' that I have planned.

Anyway, as usual here's the video...


...and HERE is the link to the pdf file over on DriveThruRPG (as always, it's a pay-what-you-want download - so feel free to pay as much/little as you like ;) ).

Tuesday 3 November 2020

Print & Paste Terrain : Sheds & Barns

The title of this latest release might be a bit deceiving ...becasue, while you can make little sheds, barns, hovels, etc....

 (the exterior of a small shed or workshop)


 (the interior of a barn or small hovel)

...they can also be used in conjunction with the textures from the previous two pdfs/videos to add even more variety to the types of houses/buildings that we can make:

Anyway, as usual, here's the video showing how I put everything together...

...and the pdf file can be found over on DriveThruRPG (it's a pay-what-you-want file - so feel free to pay as much/little as you like).

So, if you need some buildings for an upcoming RPG session, a wargame scenario, etc. ...hopefully these will be of help :)