Thursday, 24 October 2019

Sci-Fi Starter Kit (pre-printed sheets from SquareHex)

I'm very pleased to say that I've been working with Peter Regan (over at SquareHex) so that you can now purchase professionally printed versions of the sci-fi textures!

As I say in the video, each set contains 24 sheets (12 of each page), and contains all the textures to make the tiles themselves... well as a few pieces of scatter terrain to act as barricades, objective markers, or whatever else you can think of ;)

So, if you've been thinking of making a few of the sci-fi tiles, but don't have a printer (or don't want the hassle of printing them yourself), then hopefully these will help :)

You can pick them up for just £4 (+P&P) from the SquareHex website HERE.

(note that you can also get some of the dungeon starter kit HERE and a whole bunch of accessory pieces HERE).

 -an example layout-

Saturday, 12 October 2019

Tips & Tricks #12

Just a quick bonus video...

...hope you like it.

Tuesday, 8 October 2019

Toying with the idea of a podcast

Because I obviously don't have enough projects on my plate at the moment, I've had a go at making my first (RPG) podcast over on (you can find it HERE or down below).

As usual, I'm a bit nervous about trying something like this - but since I listen to a few podcasts on anchor, I thought I'd give it a try myself.

Anyway, one of the cool features of the anchor (mobile) app is that listeners can use their phone to call in (for free) with questions/comments/replies/etc. ...which can then be addressed in future episodes.

So, since episode one is live, here's the show notes:

0:00 - Intro

0:35 - A brief recap of my introduction to RPGs. In this segment I reference the Bashki Lord of the Rings cartoon. What I actually meant was the one made by Ralph Bakshi (I was close at least) ...i.e. this one:

3:09 - In this part I talk about the Eye of The Beholder documentary on Amazon Prime, and the Secrets of Blackmoor on Vimeo.

5:24 - Drama at the RPG club I've been attending for a decade :(

6:52 - In this final segment I mention my latest release (the dungeon pamphlet), and talk a little bit about the YouTube Channel.

8:44 - Outro

Note that all the music and sound effects that appear in this episode are from

Wednesday, 2 October 2019

Pamphlet Dungeon : Thorfinn's Tomb

The idea of pamphlet-style adventures and 'zines isn't anything new (so I really can't take the credit for that) ...but I really do like the concept, and so I've gone ahead and jumped on the band wagon ;)

Anyway, I've had this written for a while now (I've also run it twice with 5E) - and so I've gone ahead and uploaded it to DriveThruRPG as a $1 download (though if you are a patron, you can download it for free).

So, I should probably tell you a little bit about it...

Thorfinn's Tomb is a two page (pamphlet style) adventure location suitable for starting/low-level characters.

The adventure itself is a system neutral, self-contained, one-shot - which should provide you with enough material for a single session of good old fashioned dungeon adventure!

(i.e. it's the kind of thing that I like to have up my sleeve for those times when the regular GM wants to take a break but the rest of the players still want to get together -OR- for a between campaign filler session -OR- just to have as an emergency back-up encounter for those times when the players go off-piste)

As I say, Thorfinn's Tomb is available for just $1 from DriveThruRPG, and if you do pick it up I'd love to hear what you think (as this would help me to decide whether or not I should attempt more of this kind of thing in the future).

Anyway, here's hoping you like it!

-note that a colorised (VTT) version of the map has also been supplied for online play-