Well, I was recently contacted by the guys from Fantasy Calendar ...and they asked if I'd be OK with them making a (free) random dungeon generator that featured my tiles.
So, of course, I said yes!
Anyway, the generator went live last night - so HERE is the link (note that only the artwork is mine - the website, the coding, etc., is all a result of their hard work)...
...and pictured below is an example map/screenshot:
So, as you can see, you can:
- Generate maps of various sizes (or even make a multi-level megadungeon).
- Click on some of the tiles to cycle through a few of the variants that I've drawn.
- Export the full size map (that you can then load into your VTT of choice).
- Download a dynamic lighting layer for (the paid version of) Roll20.
So yeah, I think the Fantasy Calendar team have done a fantastic job on this ...so if you like the idea of being able to generate a nice looking dungeon map with just the click of a button, why not give it a try :)
(note that Haxxer, from Fantasy Calendar Ltd., just posted on reddit if you want to give them any feedback)