Friday, 30 December 2016

One Mini Every Week #52

As regular followers of the blog will probably know, back at the beginning of the year I made a resolution to try and paint at least one miniature every single week throughout 2016 (or at the very least - do something miniatures related).

Well, it's the last week of the year, and I've somehow managed to stick at it! (though I've also purchased a bunch of new mini's throughout the year - so I'm not sure if I've managed to lessen my unpainted stockpile or not ;) ).

Anyway, for this week's project I've done something a bit different (and I've also cheated a little - but more on that later), as I seem to have been bitten by the WW2 bug again. So here's what I've painted:

Both of these mini's a from Warlord Games' plastic Bolt Action range, and I've assembled them to use as crew for a Marder III tank destroyer (note that I originally painted up a couple of metal crew members from the same range ...but they are tiny by comparison, and so I'll not be using them :( ).

However, for the Marder itself I've cheated somewhat (as I hate painting tanks or large models) and have opted for a pre-painted 1:48 scale model from China (as they only cost £7.99 delivered, from this ebayer - though they obviously take a few weeks to arrive).

Now the paint job on the model is nothing to write home about - but I think it's an acceptable 'tabletop quality' ...and after the crew have been added I think it actually looks more than presentable:

So that's pretty much it for the 'One Mini Every Week' project ...and all that's left to do now is to take a group photograph of all the mini's I've painted throughout the year (which will probably be a separate blog post next week - assuming I can find the time).

Saturday, 24 December 2016

One Mini Every Week #51

Well it's the penultimate blog post for 2016's 'one mini every week' project - and this week has seen me splash some paint on a couple more GW skaven miniatures...

...and there's not a whole lot more to say about these guys that I didn't already say last week :)

Anyway, I still have a few more of these little fellas left to paint (and I'm toying with the idea 'multi-basing' the rest of them like I did with some of my Mantic zombies), but I might try to paint something a little larger for next week's project (though I haven't quite made up my mind yet :S ).

Monday, 19 December 2016

One Mini Every Week #50

For this week's painting project I've painted up a couple more 'ratmen' miniatures (that I'll be using as Age of Shadow lesser beastlings)...

These particular ones are GamesWorkshop Clanrats - but as I've mentioned before, since I'm using them for RPG purposes I don't really need a whole box of them, so I'll generally pick up the parts to make half-a-dozen or so models from the various 'bitz' websites out there (THIS ONE for example).

But what do I think of the models themselves...

...well, I kinda like them. They are very easy to assemble (as you just need to stick on the weapon arm and shield), and they paint up nicely (though I did make it harder for myself by gluing the shields on before I started painting them).

My only real gripe is that, although they come with a variety of different torsos (some armoured, some unarmoured, some wearing hoods, some bareheaded, etc.), they all seem to be in a very similar (almost identical) pose.

Sunday, 18 December 2016

Mine Geomorph #25 (patreon funded)

Here it is ...the last mine geomorph of the year (and the final one of the 'mine set'):

...and as an added bonus, I've also put a 'little' compilation map together, that features all of these bonus geomorphs a couple from some of the other sets.

So, as always, I'd like to thank everyone for supporting the project - because without your help and encouragement I probably wouldn't have been able to finish the 'mine set' this year :)

*   *   *

Anyway, now that all of 2016's maps are done, I think five years worth of greyscale maps is probably enough for most folks - so next year I'm thinking of changing things up a little, and starting on a whole new batch of colour maps and geomorphs :)

Thursday, 15 December 2016

Mine Geomorph #24 (patreon funded)

Here's the penultimate mine geomorph of the year :)

Note that you can find all of these bonus mine geomorphs in THIS album.

Monday, 12 December 2016

Mine Geomorph #23 (patreon funded)

Here's the latest geomorph from the ongoing Patreon campaign...

...and I'm thinking that two more of these 'bonus mine geomorphs' should be enough to complete the set.

So, over the course of this coming week I'm going to attempt to get the rest of these tiles finished - and if I can find time, I might also try to squeeze in a bonus Xmas map before the end of the year :)

(note that you can find all of these bonus mine geomorphs in THIS ALBUM)

Sunday, 11 December 2016

One Mini Every Week #48 & #49

As you can tell, I'm still struggling to post pictures every week ...but my miniatures painting continues nonetheless...

So, last weekend I slapped some paint on the plastic GamesWorkshop skaven miniature on the left (I believe it is one of THESE - though I usually just pick up bits and pieces here and there for stores like THIS or the occasional sprue from ebay) ...which will represent a foul beastling sorcerer in an encounter I have planned.

And this weekend I have painted the adventurer miniature on the right (another £2 model from Midlam Miniatures).

Furthermore, I've also been experimenting some more with air drying clay (to make a monster for yet another encounter I have planned)...

 -the encounter-

-sculpting the creature-

-painted :( -

...though I think I applied the gloss varnish too soon - as the shading and highlight colours have all bled into one :( (plus, I'm not all that happy with how it looks in any case - so I might try to make a replacement 'body' next week).

And that's it for this week. Hopefully I'll get back to posting pictures a little more regularly - as there are only 3 weeks left of this little project ...and I will have then successfully completed my new year's resolution for 2016 :)

Friday, 9 December 2016

Dungeon Designer - December 2016

Here's the last little transitional (i.e. cave to dungeon) geomorph of the year...

However, thanks to guys over on Patreon, there are still 3 more mine geomorphs to come!

Note that I'm also compiling all of these transitional maps in THIS album.

Friday, 2 December 2016

2016 Dungeon Monthly Compilation

If you've been following my 'dungeon monthly' posts for any length of time, then you'll probably know that at the end of each year I connect all 12 of that year's maps together to form a huge dungeon level, and release it over on RPGNow/DriveThruRPG.

Well, it's that time again...

Obviously, all the individual maps are still available for free in THIS ALBUM (for you to piece together however you like) - however, unlike the original 'dungeon monthly' versions, this compilation map is supplied as:
  • A pdf version of the entire level (supplied as parchment style handout).
  • A huge (50 pixel per grid square) jpeg image of the whole map - with a dark background.
  • A huge (50 pixel per grid square) jpeg image of the whole map - with a white background.

So if you've been thinking of running a mega-dungeon in the near future, or are looking to expand upon the 3 previous compilations (or would just like to show your support for the 'dungeon monthly' project), then you can pick up the 2016 Compilation  for the princely sum of $1 over on RPGNow & DriveThruRPG.

Thursday, 1 December 2016

Dungeon Monthly #48 (December 2016)

December is upon us once again (how time flies) that must mean that it's time for the last* 'dungeon monthly' map of the year!

And, because this is the last* one of the year, the 2016 compilation map will be following along shortly.
*though there are still a few 'bonus' geomorphs to come.

Also note that you can find unlabelled versions of all these 'dungeon monthly' maps in the following albums:

...and you can support the project over on Patreon.