Monday 20 December 2021

The Twisted Stave #2 (and other nonsense)

I've been meaning to get another issue of the 'zine out for a while now ...and with the year quickly coming to an end, I was a bit worried that it wasn't going to happen in 2021.

However, I've got quite a few things stashed away in my GM notes that I think/hope are worth sharing - so, much like before, I've managed to tidy some of them up, made it so that they are understandable by folks other than myself, and bundled them together into something that passes as issue #2.

Like most of my stuff nowadays, it's a pay-what-you-want download over on DriveThruRPG - and, by coincidence more than by design, this one has a bit of an undead/tomb theme.

Anyway, with the year coming to a close, I've put together a short recap video over on YouTube (where I also do a quick flip-through of the 'zine)...

...and while I'm at it, I'd also like to say my thanks here too (for everyone's continued support). It really does mean a lot to me :)

But before I head off, I also want to say that I'm thinking of doing a short 'build along' series in January (maybe one video a week - if I can manage it) ...where I'll be encouraging folks (especially those that have been tempted to build some of the 'print & paste terrain' - but haven't given it a go yet) to build a little dungeon with me step at a time.

It would probably go something like this:

  • Week 1: Gathering supplies.
  • Week 2: Making a few tiles.
  • Week 3: Adding some scatter terrain.

...and so on.

And it would all be done with just 4 pages - i.e. one printout of each of these:

As you can imagine, it wouldn't be anything special/revolutionary - just a little starter dungeon that folks could have a go at - to see if they actually like the technique before committing fully (if that makes sense).

Anyway, I think this'll probably be the last blog post of the year - so here's hoping that Santa brings you lots of new gaming goodies, and here's wishing you a happy holidays!

Thursday 2 December 2021


I'm getting to a point where all of the little bits and pieces that I've been playing around with these past couple of months are finally making their way into their own video.

So, without further ado, here's the treasure piles:

As usual, you can find the pdf file HERE, and it would be great to hear what you think of these!

Wednesday 17 November 2021

Another Puzzle Handout

This is another of those things that I've wanted to make for a while (as I've done similar things in the past) and I  wanted this one to be as versatile as possible, and also have miniature versions that could be used on the tabletop...

...and, as you can see, it's a fairly simple design, and there are lots of different words that you can make - so it could potentially be used more than once.

Furthermore, I've also tied it to one of this months VTT maps (as you might have seen in the video)...

...and I actually got to use the puzzle in my online game last weekend:

Anyway, if anyone is interested, here's some of the riddles that I had lined up (though in my game the players managed to get through the door on their second attempt):

Never foremost, but enduring.

I lie upon the shore, and fall to measure time.

I can shroud both land and sea. A veil before thine eyes.

I have no voice when I'm at rest, and my rings cannot be worn.

My waves are not of the sea, my grip is not of fear.

In the dark I linger. In the light I wane.
In thy mind I haunt thee. Thy courage I will drain.

Monday 8 November 2021

Easy Roller Dice (and accessories) Review

Disclaimer: The items discussed in this article were sent to me free of charge.

I was recently approached by the folks over at regarding the possibility of reviewing some of their products. However, even though I made them aware of the fact that I'm not really a review channel (i.e. the best I could offer is to show some of their products in the pictures that appear at the end of my videos), they wanted to send me some stuff to take a look at anyway.

So, of course, I agreed (in fact they seemed to like the approach I already use for the miniatures I show - i.e. nothing fancy, just a little note stating who the manufacturer is in the corner of the video) - though I thought it would be nice to do a full review (my first real review) here on the blog for anyone who might be interested - so here goes...


OK, so the first thing in the package were some d6's ...a whole lot of d6's - 5 packets in fact - each containing 10 dice (so they’re  ideal if you’re playing a game that uses a pool of d6’s -OR- of if you do a bit of wargaming).

And while there's not a lot that can be said about the humble six sided die, I will say that I really like the numbering on these's a large number in a nice font. Obviously, if I was purchasing them myself I might have opted for different colours (but that's very much a matter of personal preference) - but the dice themselves don't have any imperfections that I can see what else is there to say :)


Now, since I'm a regular D&D player/DM, a nice d20 is always nice to have ...and this IS a nice d20. The picture doesn't really show it off in it's best light - so here's a short video...

...however it still looks similar to any other 20 sided polyhedron right? ...well, I suppose so, but you really have to hold this one in the hand to appreciate it. It just feels nice. It's the kind of dice you need a dice tray for (and not just because it's made of stone).

Looking at their website it looks as though it sells for around $20 it's probably not something I would have thought about buying myself (it's more the kind of thing I'd stop and admire at a convention, or perhaps buy for a player who is celebrating a milestone birthday, or something like that) - but now that I have it, it's definitely going in my bag of favourite dice (yes I have one of those), and will probably get used for tense dice rolling situations ;)


OK, since I just mentioned dicebags, I'll move onto those next. So, I was actually sent 2 different bags - the first being a regular sized one with a Cthulhu style print...

...and a much larger (faux-velvet) style bag (with a similar 'iron-on' design) that's actually reversible ...which is a nice touch (I think I like the green side best).

Much like the d6's, it's hard to wax lyrical about dice bags ...they have one job - to hold dice. But these do seem well made, and the large bag should be more than adequate to hold all of the dice owned by any sane person* (as you can see in the following image, there's still a ton of space with all 50 of the d6's thrown inside).

*it is possible that I might own more dice than the average person :S


Once again, both of these are the kind of thing I'd normally think about buying... but then decide that it will probably have to wait until I have a budget to allow for such extravagances.

That being said, the first example (pictured above) sells for $30 (so around £22) it's not actually all that expensive ...I guess I'm just a bit of a cheapskate :)

Anyway the picture doesn't really show the little cut-outs very well - so here's another short video:

So yeah, the magnetised lid is a great addition ...and the magnets are pretty strong (I shook the hell out of this one and the lid isn't going anywhere) - though I'm not quite sure why (what I assume are) the two d10 holes are slightly different...

...I mean, both dice are the same size - and it's easy to see which is which just by looking at them... but maybe there is something I'm missing?

However, my only real issue is the fact that I feel like a bit of an uncultured swine putting one of my cheap dice sets inside (kinda like chugging cheap lager out of a champagne glass) - so I might have to buy myself a nice set of cthulhu dice to do it justice* (as a nice dice box deserves a similarly fancy set of dice).

*I mean sure, my characters will still die horribly or be driven insane ...but at least I can do it in style :D

* * *

Anyway, I thought I would save the best until last... so here's the second 'box' that they sent (though box is far too poor a word):

As you can see, it serves as both a storage/staging area for your dice, as well as having a 'dice tray/rolling' area in the middle.

And if I'm totally honest with you, I would normally just pass something like this by and assume that it would be far too expensive for a regular Joe like me (it being a bit of a premium product) ...but looking at the website, it's listed at around $35 (roughly £25) ...which is about half as much as I expected.

So yeah, that's all I really need to say - but I'll continue nonetheless ;)

Now, I've obviously not had it long - so I'll probably need to revisit the review in a year or two (when it's seen plenty of use, and has been rattling around in my backpack as I travel to and from various games), but it seems pretty sturdy, the lid is a nice snug fit, and it can fit 5 whole sets of dice around the edge (that's dice of the usual RPG variety - i.e. d4 through d20).

I'll also admit that when I first found out that I'd be receiving some 'free stuff' for review I thought that I could pass some of the items on to a few of my gaming friends (rather than hoard it all myself) ...but not this one ...this is mine own precious ;)

* * *

So yeah, here's hoping that you found this first little review of mine interesting and/or informative ...I suppose there's only two things left to do:

1) I'd like to thank the Easy Roller Dice Co. for sending me so much stuff to take a look at (colour me impressed)...


2) put some of this stuff to use and roll up a new character. So here goes...

That's 17 / 13 / 16 / 13 / 13 / 14 ...quite possibly the best stat's I've ever rolled :)

Saturday 30 October 2021

Dungeon Archways

Well, it's time for another of my terrain videos ...and this time I've been making some archways for the dungeon:



Anyway, there's a (pay-what-you-want) pdf file that contains all of the new textures HERE, and posted below is the video where I show how I put everything together.

So, here's hoping you like it!


Friday 8 October 2021


As usual, I've been posting my progress with these over on the various social media pages (so there's no real surprises here) - but here's my latest release ...TENTACLES!

The video above shows you how to put them together, and for my own game I'm thinking of using them as some kind of trap/hazard rather than an actual monster (like the 'black tentacles' or 'entangle' spells for example).

Anyway, as I say in the video, this is probably as close as I'm going to get to a Halloween episode (not that I normally do themed episodes) - but it's purely by coincidence :)

Note that the pay-what-you-want pdf file can be found HERE.

Thursday 7 October 2021

Another encounter box.

I really need to stop doing this ...but every time I get a little box in the post (one that's still in pretty good condition despite the best efforts of the postal service) I get the urge to turn it into a little self contained (mini) dungeon :)

-the layout of this little dungeon-

Now I haven't written anything up for this one yet, but the idea was for it to be some kind of holy site (let's call it 'The Well of St. Orandi' or some such) - where folks make a pilgrimage to deposit their prayers/confessions/etc. (in written form) into the well ...along with a few coins for good measure (very much a 'wishing well' kind of thing).

However, a few goblins have got wind of this last part ...and they have started lowering themselves down into the well to retrieve this 'free loot' ;)

Obviously, this has folks up in arms (and worried that either their prayers might not be answered ...or their confessions be discovered) ...and so the PC's help is sought.

So, it's nothing more that a simple level 1 encounter really - but I like having things like this ready to go (should I need something for an impromptu one-shot) I enjoy the idea of trying to create the terrain for an adventure/encounter - but limiting myself to what I can fit inside a small box (and indeed, let the resulting terrain be the inspiration for that encounter).

-unpacking the adventure-

Furthermore, I picked up a pack of the D&D/Wizkids goblins a while back, and because they are a bit tiny (and because they don't really match any of the other goblins I have), I thought I could slap a quick paint job on them, and throw them in the box too.

-Reaper Bones mini shown for scale-

If anyone is interested, all I did was basecoat the model with half-a-dozen different colours first (they come pre-primed, so no cleanup/priming was needed), and then gave all of the areas their own wash. Here's what I used (all Army Painter):

ITEM/PART     /     BASECOAT     /     WASH
Feathers     /     skeleton bone     /     light tone
Skin     /     hemp rope     /     mid brown
Cloth & fur     /     leather brown     /     strong tone
Metal     /     gunmetal     /     strong tone
Wood/hair     /     dark stone     /     dark tone
Stone     /     field grey     /     dark tone & mixing medium

I'll be honest and say that I didn't really think much of them when I first opened the box (I bought them online on a bit of a whim) - but even with this rather simplistic paint job, I do kinda like them now (though I still wish they were a little bit bigger).

Anyway, all joking aside, I would definitely recommend having a go at making your own little encounter box(es) if the concept sounds vaguely interesting at all. It's a fun way to impose a few limits on yourself ...and at the same time it never hurts to have a back-up adventure up your sleeve and ready to go (plus, doing a really quick paint job on some mini's is a great way to reduce that pile of shame ;) ).

-the exterior of the box-

-everything packed away neatly inside-

Saturday 25 September 2021


As usual, I've been posting the progress of my various trap designs (for the print & paste dungeon) over on my various social media pages - so if you've been following along on facebook, discord, instagram, etc., you've probably seen these already:

Anyway, it's taken a while, but last night I finally managed to get the video and pdf uploaded (to YouTube and DriveThruRPG respectively) - so here's the latest episode (can you believe we're up to 59 episodes already ...not including all the bonus/tips ones):

(and HERE is the link to the pdf file)

* * *

Furthermore, whenever folks ask me where they can share pictures of their own builds, I usually point them towards the Discord server (which is now 400+ members strong) - but not everyone uses Discord, and so I've also set up a 'crooked staff community' page over on facebook.

This new group already has well over 100 members, and if it sounds like something you'd like to be a part of (even if it's just to take a look at some of the cool things that people have made using the 'print & paste' textures), then it'd be great to have you onboard :)

Anyway, I hope you like the new video, and I look forward to seeing more pictures of other folks' creations!

Tuesday 14 September 2021

Dungeon Terrain for the 'goblins' Adventure.

As some of you may recall, when I hit 10K subscribers over on YouTube, one of the things I released was my little 'goblins' starter adventure...

...and if you check the description of that video, there's still a couple of free copies that can be claimed ;) (note that there is a link that will add it to your cart for free if you are amongst the first 100 people to do so).

Anyway, the original plan was to film a series of videos to show folks how to build the whole dungeon part of the adventure using my print & paste terrain - but in all honesty, I doubt I'm going to get around to that now I'd much rather be filming new content (as there wouldn't really be any new techniques in such a video - it would be more along the lines of 'to make item x see episode whatever').

So with that in mind, I thought that I would instead post a few pictures of the terrain I've made - just to show you the kind of thing that is possible with the existing textures (though this does use some of the bonus textures supplied in the modifications & requests pdf).

With any luck, most of the things you can see here will be fairly self explanatory if you've been keeping up with the YouTube series - but if not, feel free to ask any questions, and I should be able to point you towards the relevant video(s).

That being said, here's a quick look at the overall map of the dungeon (to help you picture how it looks when it's all put together)...

...and here's a picture of the monster miniatures that I've painted up for (eventual) use in my own game:

Now admittedly, I've only run/playtested this adventure online (for two different groups) ...but I do hope to run it down at the FLGS at some point (Asgard Games in Walsall if anyone is interested) ...and with the usual IRL group when we get back to some kind of normality :)

Friday 10 September 2021

Rotating Wooden Bridge

 It's been over a month since my last video (for 'reasons' :( ) ...but I've finally got another one finished...

...anyway, the idea behind this one is that maybe it was once part of a prison complex - so the prisoners cells would be on one side of the pit, and the guards (and the bridge controls) would be on the other. Thus, should a prisoner escape their cell, they'd still have to find a way to navigate the pit (hopefully that made sense :) ).

Now though, in the hands of the goblins, it could be used as a kind of monster spawner ...with several goblins being transported from one side of the pit to the other each round to harass the players (who find themselves approaching the pit from the old prison area).

So maybe the players stand and fight each new batch of goblins as they appear ...or maybe they use ranged attacks to try and pick off a few of the goblins working the winch either case I think it will make for a fun encounter.

But enough of all that ...if you want to have a go at making one yourself, then the (pay-what-you-want) pdf file can be found HERE.

Hope you like it!

PS. here's a sneak peek at what's coming up in the next video...

Saturday 7 August 2021

Rotating Dungeon Room

 Here's the latest 'print & paste' video ...a rotating room within a dungeon.

This is something I've wanted to do for a while - both the rotating room and the secret stairway, and I'm reasonably happy with how they've turned out :)

Anyway, as usual, you can pick up the pdf file over on DriveThruRPG (it's a pay-what-you-want download), and here's hoping that you can put it to use!

Sunday 1 August 2021

Giant Spider Miniatures

I think I previewed a prototype of my idea for making giant spiders back at the beginning of May (in one of the tips & tricks videos). But I then got a little side-tracked with the tiny terrain project ...and so the finished 'spiders' pdf has been sitting on my hard drive for a couple of months - just waiting for me to film the video.

Well, now that the 'tiny terrain' is at a point where it's actually usable (i.e. the initial batch of textures - which enables us to build little village maps - is now complete), I've finally been able to turn my attention to the giant spiders episode :)

Anyway, as you can see in the above video, they're pretty easy to make (all you need is some card and a couple of drinking straws ...oh and the pdf of course), and you could quite easily get a whole bunch of them made the night before a game if you suddenly find yourself in need of a few giant spiders (they're the size of giant wolf spiders if you're playing D&D).

And, just like all of the other products in the 'Print & Paste' range, it's a pay-what-you-want download over on DriveThruRPG pick it up for free, or pay as much/little as you like!

Anyway, here's hoping you like them :)

Friday 23 July 2021

Tiny Terrain: Fields & Fences

No doubt you will have noticed that the videos (over on the YouTube channel) these past couple of months have been focusing on my new 'tiny terrain' system.

If you're not familiar with it, the idea is to make a bunch of modular village tiles (each containing a couple of houses, barns, fields, etc.) that can be pieced together to make little 3D maps of small settlements (i.e. they're not meant to be used with mini's - they're just something that can be used and reused in place of a regular 2D map).

Anyway, as you can see in the above picture, I've finally got to a point where it's actually usable now (as the previous videos in this series have mainly been getting everything ready for this video) it's good to get to the stage where I can start pulling it all together :)

So yeah, if you're interested in making a few of these yourself then please do feel free to head on over to the YouTube channel and check out the 'tiny terrain' playlist ...or if you've been keeping up with all the latest videos, then this latest one (containing the fields & fences) is featured below.

And just like all of the other pdfs in the 'print & paste' range, this one is a pay-what-you-want download over on DriveThruRPG.

Anyway, here's hoping you can put some of this nonsense to use ;)

Friday 9 July 2021

Teeny Tiny Hex Tiles.

If you've been following my latest YouTube series, you will already be familiar with the tiny trees and houses that I've been making recently... the next thing that I needed to make were the actual hex tiles that they'll all be glued on top of:

So, as you can see, this latest video/pdf provides a wide variety of 'dirt road' hex tiles that we can use to make our little village tiles.

But if you're not familiar with this project, the idea is to make a bunch of modular hex tiles that can be put together in various configurations to produce nice little 3D village maps on the fly ...i.e.:

(the DM lays out half a dozen tiles)

DM: "OK, you enter the village of Oldstead..."

Players: "Actually, we'll press on and make for Newvale!"

(the DM swaps out a few tiles and shuffles them around a bit)

DM: "OK, you enter the village of Newvale..."

That's the idea anyway ...and as time goes on I'll be adding things like docks (with one or two little ships maybe), stone patterns (for walls, keeps, temples, etc.), and so on.

Anyway, before I get too ahead of myself I should probably point out that you can get this latest pdf over on DriveThruRPG as a pay-what-you-want download ...and that I hope to get the next video (i.e. the one with the fences/enclosures/crops) out this month as well (an example of which can be seen below):

Wednesday 9 June 2021

Teeny Tiny Trees

As you may know, my latest project is to make a bunch of different hex-tiles that can be pieced together to make little 3D village maps (as seen in the prototype image below).

Well, in the previous video I got started on the little houses, and in this latest video I've moved on to little clusters of trees (copse-like clusters if you will):

And as always, you can find the pay-what-you-want pdf file over on DriveThruRPG.

So, here's hoping you like them!

Wednesday 2 June 2021

10k subs / new 5e content / giveaways

As some of you may know, the YouTube channel has continued to grow and I've recently hit 10,000 subscribers! (which, as far as I'm concerned, means that it's been a big success). As such, I have a few announcements that I'd like to make ...all of which are covered in the following video:

However, if you don't have time for all that nonsense, or would like a bit more information, then here's the breakdown ;)



As I say in the video, I haven't gone overboard with this (as I doubt there'll be much call for socks or shower curtains with the channel's logo on them) ...but  a mug and a sticker is the kind of thing I'd put to use myself.

I mean, I don't really drink 'hot drinks' - so my own mug will likely get used to hold gluesticks and paintbrushes ...but the sticker will find a good home on the back of my laptop :)

Anyway, HERE is the link to the (tee)spring storefront. If there is anything else you'd like me to consider, just drop me a message.



I've decided that, every now and again (essentially when I have enough material), I'll tidy up some of my own DMing material (or personal / 'for fun' projects), and present it in a 'zine format.

They'll probably not be all that frequent - but this first one is available for free (subsequent ones will be free to Patreon supporters, and $1 for everyone else) - so please do feel free to check it out and see if that kind of thing will be of interest to you. HERE is the link.

Note that I'm presenting it as 5E compatible - but there'll generally be a couple of articles that aren't really tied to any system (though, for the most part, it does assume a fairly traditional fantasy-medieval setting).

(note that there is also a print-on-demand version available over on lulu)



I've mentioned this adventure a couple of times before (as I planned on doing a series of videos showing which pieces of terrain you'll need to build for each encounter area, and so on) - but I figured this would be a good time to release that too.

Now, I do still hope to get around to those videos at some point (as the adventure has been written with the 'print & paste' terrain in mind) - but if you're familiar with most of that stuff, then you should have a good idea of how to go about it.

Anyway, the adventure itself isn't meant to be particularly revolutionary (or all that original) - it's just a fun little dungeon romp that you can get through in a session or two.

It's priced at $2.99, it's 16 pages long, and is available over on DriveThruRPG.



For this particular giveaway you will need to go to the video's page over on YouTube (as I am only counting entries over there - just so that I don't have to monitor several different pages for the next month ;) ).

And, as I explain in the video, everyone that picks up one of my pdfs will already have a DriveThruRPG account... so the giveaway should, in theory, be available to everyone (and no-one even has to leave the house to post/receive it - because, you have to admit, we are living in strange times).

So if you do enter - here's wishing you good luck!



I said this at the start of the above video, but I want to say it again here (at the end of this post).

A huge thanks goes out to everyone that supported me over the past few years - I really do appreciate it ...and here's looking forward to the next milestone*

Thanks again!

(*erm... yeah ...not sure if that's ever likely to happen ...but only time will tell :) ).

Saturday 22 May 2021

Teeny Tiny Houses

Following on from my last post ...I'm pleased to say that I've just released the first set of textures for the new 'tiny' range...

As usual the pdf file can be got from DriveThruRPG (it's a pay-what-you-want download), and I explain the whole idea in the video above.

So yeah ...hope you like 'em :)

Monday 10 May 2021

Getting sidetracked Again...

As usual, I've got several things that I'm currently working on for the print & paste terrain (giant spider miniatures, a water-wheel and treadmill crane, to name just a few), plus a whole bunch of stuff I'm excited to announce when the channel hits 10K subs. But, like the title says ...I've got sidetracked by another little project.

Well, I say little, it's tiny really (at least in scale) - but let me explain the idea first (note that something similar to this was suggested by a viewer - but I can't remember who that was now)...

Anyway, even though I like to draw maps (something you'll be well aware of if you've followed me for any length of time), I've never really liked drawing town/village maps (and as far as city maps go - that's a big NOPE).

(note that, while there are several generators and various software packages that can help in that regard, and I do use stuff like that from time to time, it's not something I ever really get very excited about using)

On the other hand, I do tend to drool over pictures of folks' town/city/village terrain set-ups (a whole table of Dwarven Forge's city stuff for example) ...I mean, it just looks so darn cool.

However, for my own games that kind of terrain is probably not going to get much use (as 'town stuff' is much more likely to be 'theater of the mind' - as all the cool kids are calling it nowadays) - plus I wouldn't have the space to use more than half a dozen buildings at a time in any case.

But what if I were to combine the usefulness of a map (I mean, it's always good to have a map to show the players right?) and the 'coolness' of some 3D terrain ...and maybe make something like this:


(note that these are very early WIP/prototype images, so there's no proper 'textures' glued to anything yet)

As you can see, they're pretty small - and you could probably fit a whole village into an area the size of a single sheet of paper.

They're also pretty easy to put together too (if you've assembled any of my chests and crates, it's a very similar process). Here's a quick look at the underside (which might make things a bit clearer):

Furthermore, due to the way I'm designing them, they'd be the same size/shape/colours/etc. as the 28mm scale buildings that I've already made (just a LOT smaller). So I could make the whole village in this tiny scale, and maybe just the main building at the larger (miniatures) scale ...if I'm planning a specific encounter there.

 - a picture showing the two different scales-

I could even go a step further and develop some kind of hex-builder-system (where each hex tile would be big enough to contain a handful of small buildings, or a single chapel, or a villa, etc.) - so that I could use them over and over again to create a bunch of different layouts.

Does that sound like madness? ...or is it actually a good idea?

Is it something you'd use yourself? ...or does it fall into the 'it looks cool, but I'll pass' category? 

For my own part, I do have to admit that I'm far more excited about attempting something like this, than I am about sitting down and drawing a bunch of village maps :)

EDIT: here's the hex idea:

Monday 12 April 2021

Broken Wooden Floors/Floorboards

For my latest 'print & paste' offering I thought that I would continue with something similar to the recent lava tiles (in the sense that the 'floor/base' of the tile is made up of two separate layers), and make something that could be used to represent abandoned buildings, haunted mansions, and that kind of thing.

And while I had a few teething problems to begin with, I think they've turned out OK in the end (though they do look better if you add a few extra pieces here and there - like the little bit of the sack texture that I've glued to the one shown below).

Anyway, as usual, here's the video (over on YouTube) that shows how easy it is to put it all together...

...and the (pay-what-you-want) pdf file can be found over on DriveThruRPG as normal :)

So, here's hoping you like 'em!!!

Tuesday 30 March 2021

Lava (dungeon) Tiles

It's been a bit of a rough month or so, and I wasn't sure if I'd be able to get anything released in March - as right at the end of February this happened:

The annoying thing is that I've been super careful for an entire year (though obviously not careful enough) and unfortunately, it knocked me off my feet for a good while.

But, as you can tell, I bounced back (eventually) ...and I couldn't wait to get back to the crafting table and get to work on these lava tiles:

- the first prototype -

And as you can see, this whole concept could be used to make pits, flooded areas, and so on - just by using a different texture in place of the lava (note that I plan on making a 'tips' video on this).

Anyway, as usual, here is the video that shows how I put it all together...


...and the (pay-what-you-want) pdf file can be found HERE.

So, here's hoping you can put it to good use!!!

Wednesday 24 February 2021

Puzzle Room & Player Handout

 This is another one of those projects that I've been thinking about for a while ...and I thought it was about time that I actually sat down and did it!

So, as you can see in the picture above, I've created a floor tile with a dragon-like emblem upon the floor. Furthermore, there is a stone plinth in the middle of the chamber - which is represented by the handout shown below.

At some point during the course of the encounter/adventure the players will find a bunch of jigsaw-like puzzle pieces that will fit into the recess of this plinth...

...and the 'picture' that they make (when assembled) is the same emblem that is found on the floor (so it shouldn't be hard to figure out ;) ).

Anyway, as usual, here is the video that shows how I put it all together...

...and the (pay-what-you-want) pdf file can be found HERE.

So, here's hoping you like it!

PS. The channel is getting close to 10K subs now - so if you're enjoying this stuff, and haven't already subscribed, feel free to do so (and maybe even share your favourite video with someone else that might find it interesting/useful) I'd love to get to 10,000 by my birthday in July.