Wednesday, 24 February 2021

Puzzle Room & Player Handout

 This is another one of those projects that I've been thinking about for a while ...and I thought it was about time that I actually sat down and did it!

So, as you can see in the picture above, I've created a floor tile with a dragon-like emblem upon the floor. Furthermore, there is a stone plinth in the middle of the chamber - which is represented by the handout shown below.

At some point during the course of the encounter/adventure the players will find a bunch of jigsaw-like puzzle pieces that will fit into the recess of this plinth...

...and the 'picture' that they make (when assembled) is the same emblem that is found on the floor (so it shouldn't be hard to figure out ;) ).

Anyway, as usual, here is the video that shows how I put it all together...

...and the (pay-what-you-want) pdf file can be found HERE.

So, here's hoping you like it!

PS. The channel is getting close to 10K subs now - so if you're enjoying this stuff, and haven't already subscribed, feel free to do so (and maybe even share your favourite video with someone else that might find it interesting/useful) I'd love to get to 10,000 by my birthday in July.

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