Sunday, 25 September 2016

One Mini Every Week #38

This week I have just about managed to get the last PC miniature painted for my current (though somewhat intermittent) Age of Shadow game...

...and once again, this is another one from Midlam Miniatures (THIS ONE in fact).

So, the next time we play, I can ditch the pre-painted D&D miniatures that we've been using, and substitute them for these guys (which should look much better):

- human (with elf lineage), human, dwarf, and elf -

Sunday, 18 September 2016

One Mini Every Week #37

For this week's miniature, I've painted another PC from my current Age of Shadow game...

...and just like the last two, this mini is from Midlam Miniatures, and also features some of my home-made grass tufts :)

I also have to say that for £2 per mini, these (white metal) miniatures are pretty good value for money - and because they are not overburdened with lots of unnecessary equipment or ornate armour,  they're more to my liking than some other miniature ranges :)

Friday, 16 September 2016

Dungeon Designer - September 2016

As I've mentioned before, over on Patreon I have a 'dungeon designer' pledge level - which enables folks to have me draw grayscale geomorphs to their own designs/specifications.

Well, both slots are currently taken - with one patron simply asking that I draw an additional map however I see fit, and another patron requesting 'dungeon to cave' transitional pieces.

So for this month's 'dungeon designer' maps I've done them both in the 'dungeon to cave' style mentioned above here's hoping you guys like 'em.

Note that I'm also compiling these maps in THIS album.

Sunday, 11 September 2016

One Mini Every Week #35 & 36

I didn't get around to photographing last week's miniatures (due to all 3 camera batteries being flat) ...but I did manage to finish off the last two Frostgrave Gnolls that I assembled the week before...

...and, as I have said previously, they're nice little mini's - and now that I've got all five painted, they'll make a nice little beastling warband for my Age of Shadow games.

So, now that I'm caught up again, here's a picture of this week's miniatures...

....and these two are going to represent a couple of the PCs in my current Age of Shadow campaign*

The miniatures themselves are from Midlam Miniatures (THIS ONE and THIS ONE) ...and I rather like how they've turned out (plus they only cost £2 each you really can't grumble at the price).

Furthermore, these are the first miniatures to feature some of my home-made grass tufts and flowers (that I mentioned in THIS post) ...and although they can be a bit tricky to remove from the backing (unlike the pre-made ones I've bought in the past) I think they look just as good :)

*The players actually picked out these mini's some time back - so I thought it was about time to slap some paint on them.

Saturday, 10 September 2016

Mine Geomorphs #16 & 17 (patreon funded)

Last month I mentioned that the next batch of mine geomorphs were going to feature exits that would also allow you to connect them to the cave geomorphs I drew back in 2012.

So, without further ado's this month's maps:

As always, my thanks go out to everyone supporting me over on Patreon (you guys make it possible for me to spend so much time on things like this) ...Thank You! :)

Monday, 5 September 2016

Dungeon Monthly #45 (September 2016)

All the recent releases have meant that I'm a little behind with my Patreon stuff - so today I've made sure to find time to draw the next 'dungeon monthly' map...

...and, as usual, a big thank you goes out to everyone supporting the project over on Patreon :)

Note: you can find unlabelled versions of all the 'dungeon monthly' maps in the following albums:


Friday, 2 September 2016

This Week's New Releases

It's been a while since I released the last Little Book of Dungeons - and so I thought it was time that I revisited the range and compiled another volume...

However, for this booklet I've gone for a different style of map to those featured in the previous three volumes - so this time you'll get six colour maps that can be used individually (to represent modest sized dungeons)...

...or you can piece several (or indeed all) of them together to create much larger areas for your players to explore...

The Little Book of Dungeons : Volume IV is available from RPGNow and DriveThruRPG for just $2.99.

* * *

But that's not all...

If you are a publisher, and are in need of affordable dungeon maps to include in your publications, then you'll be pleased to know that all of the maps from the above booklet are also available as individual stock art images.

Each map is supplied as both a labelled and unlabelled PNG file - so that you can use the numbers/labels/titles that I've provided, or add numbers/labels/titles of your own.

So, whether you've been publishing RPG material for years, or if it's something you're just getting into (perhaps you've begun writing material over on the DMsGuild for example), then it is my hope that the new 'stock art' range will allow you to pick up a nice little dungeon map without it breaking the bank.

Each (individual) map in the new 'Stock Art' range is available for $2.99 over on RPGNow and DriveThruRPG (which grants you the non-exclusive rights to use said map in your commercial products).

* * *

And since I mentioned the DMsGuild, I'll take this opportunity to point out that I've got another stock art map available over on that site too - though this particular map can only be used in other DMsGuild products (in accordance with the DMsGuild's rules/guidelines).

* * *

So, to sum up...
  • The Little Book of Dungeons is a normal product for your own personal use.
  • The Stock Art range lets you licence a specific map (or maps) to use in your own commercial publications.
  • The DMsGuild map can only be used in other DMsGuild products.