Friday, 2 December 2016

2016 Dungeon Monthly Compilation

If you've been following my 'dungeon monthly' posts for any length of time, then you'll probably know that at the end of each year I connect all 12 of that year's maps together to form a huge dungeon level, and release it over on RPGNow/DriveThruRPG.

Well, it's that time again...

Obviously, all the individual maps are still available for free in THIS ALBUM (for you to piece together however you like) - however, unlike the original 'dungeon monthly' versions, this compilation map is supplied as:
  • A pdf version of the entire level (supplied as parchment style handout).
  • A huge (50 pixel per grid square) jpeg image of the whole map - with a dark background.
  • A huge (50 pixel per grid square) jpeg image of the whole map - with a white background.

So if you've been thinking of running a mega-dungeon in the near future, or are looking to expand upon the 3 previous compilations (or would just like to show your support for the 'dungeon monthly' project), then you can pick up the 2016 Compilation  for the princely sum of $1 over on RPGNow & DriveThruRPG.

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