Tuesday, 1 October 2024

Miniatures Painted This Year (September)

If you've been following the blog this year, then you'll likely know that I've been keeping track of all the miniatures that I buy, and all the miniatures that I paint - with the aim of trying to actually paint more than I buy. So it's time to take a look at what I got up to in September!

OK... since (in the previous two months) I've started to fall behind a little bit, I thought I'd start with the 'bad' and list all the stuff I bought - the first of which were a few random board game pieces...

...with the aim of (maybe) using the one in the middle as a statue, and the idea of using the two mech-things as kitbash parts (for a future project).

Next up is this little fellow...

...which I thought might be cool to paint up gold, and stick to a small wooden plinth - to make some kind of trophy. I don't really know what the trophy would be for - but now I have it if ever I want to make something like that (like if a game has a session MVP or something similar - I dunno - it's a bit of a silly idea to be honest :) ).

I also picked up a few (40K) Nurgle things...

As I'm hoping to play a few games of OPR firefight (with a 40k skin). This game will actually be played online... but I've set myself the goal of only using models that I've got painted (as inspiration to splash some colour on some grey plastic).

And finally, these arrived in the post yesterday...

...though I was hoping they wouldn't arrive until later this week (so I could count them as October models) - but no - they're getting added to September's totals unfortunately. And the reason I picked these up is largely because of that 'combat patrol' magazine that I got last month. That came with a Terminator Captain and a Tyranid Prime model for £2.99 (so around £1.50 per model), and picking up these sprues (for £12.50) means that I can also have an 250pt Alien Hives (i.e. Tyranid) warband for OPR firefight for less that £15! (that's how I'm rationalising it anyway :P ).

And that's what I bought - now to see what I got painted...

So, I've been expanding my options for my firefight 'human defence force' with some more conscripts/recruits (which I'm using as penal legion troops)...

 ...the above being a few female versions. Plus a 'veteran' model (below)...

...using some bits from a variant weapon sprue (note that all four of these are from Wargames Atlantic).

Once those were done I wanted to make a start on some of my chaos cultists... and that meant finding a quick way of painting them - ideally using Sonic Sledgehammer's magic wash formula (HERE is the video if you don't know what I'm talking about). As such, I set to work kit-bashing a few test models from random spare parts that I had lying around...

...as the idea was - even if they didn't turn out great, I could still use them as generic bad guys in any sci-fi RPGs that I might run. However they didn't turn out too bad...

...though using the same wash over everything didn't really work as well as I liked - as the flesh on the first batch that I painted (the shorter guys) turned out too messy - so I had to redo all of the arms. But on the second batch (the guys with the pointy hats), I did a flesh coloured wash over the skin first, and then the 'sonic tonic' over everything else - and that worked much better (I also cleaned up the models in a few places with the same colour paint as I used for the basecoats once the wash was dry).

So, armed with a reasonably quick method of painting my cultists, I got to work on them...

...and for a relatively quick paint job, I think they've turned out nice enough (I'm happy with them anyway :) ).

And finally, I also managed to throw some paint at this guy:

And this has to be the first marine (albeit a chaos one) that I've painted in years - maybe a decade (it's definitely the first one I've painted since Primaris were introduced - so it's been a while).

He was painted in a similar way to the cultists - so...

1) All the base colours were applied.

2) The bones/spikes got a light brown wash, and the tentacles got a purplish wash.

3) Everything else got coated in sonic-tonic/marine-juice.

4) This time all the colours got 'tidied-up' with the same base colours (whereas I only did a few bits here and there on the cultists).

5) This model (being my leader) also got some actual highlights (unlike the cultists, that didn't really get any at all).

And, I have to say, it was a fun model to paint. I'm not sure if I'd want to paint a ton of these guys (I think I have two more packed away somewhere) - but he's turned out rather nice I think :)

* * *

Now if I update my totals for this year (counting the 'ripper swarm' that's on the Hormagaunt sprue as one model)... that brings me to:

104 bought

102 painted

So, despite getting quite a lot done in September, I still find myself  two models behind (i.e. the same as last month) - which is a little disappointing... but not entirely unexpected lol :)

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