NOTE: the write-up for this entire level can be found HERE.
Like the passage leading into it, the floor here is made of packed earth – but it is uneven and cracked.
Opposite the entrance, and near to the far wall, is a simple throne that appears to have been carved from a solid block of stone.
Slumped upon the throne is the skeletal figure of a large warrior (with scraps of rusted armour still strapped to it in places, and a notched blade resting upon its lap).
ENCOUNTER: Anyone approaching the throne will cause the skeleton to sit upright and initiate combat (treat it as a normal skeleton with twice as many HP, and an additional +1 to hit and to damage). Furthermore, at the beginning of each round roll a d6 and consult the table below:
- Nothing happens
- Nothing happens
- The ground trembles as the broken earth rises up in places and slopes down in others. Choose one PC at random and have them make a suitable saving throw to avoid falling prone.
- The ground trembles as the broken earth rises up in places and slopes down in others. Choose two PCs at random and have them make a suitable saving throw to avoid falling prone.
- 1 skeleton claws its way out from underneath one of the slabs in area 30 (it cannot act properly until the next combat round – though it can still defend itself).*
- 2 skeletons claw their way out from underneath some of the slabs in area 30 (they cannot act properly until the next combat round – though they can still defend themselves).*
*note that once all 5 ‘graves’ have been exhausted, roll a d4 instead. |
REVELATION: Upon the finger of the skeleton warrior is the ring of elemental earth (a golden ring bearing the shield-like emblem pictured below). Anyone wearing this ring may invoke its power (once per day) and gain a +1 bonus to AC for one hour (due to their skin taking on a stone-like quality).
And that’s it for the first level of the dungeon!
And while it’s been a (mostly) fun exercise, I do think that I’m going to take a break from the whole #dungeon23 thing for a while – and maybe come back to it later in the year.
The main reason for this is largely time related. I have so much stuff that I want to do this year, that taking on another project is a bit unwise – plus, I have to admit that the whole OGL drama that’s been happening this month has sucked a bit of fun out of the hobby (for me at least).
But yeah, on the whole I’m pretty happy with my progress - and while the dungeon isn’t anything particularly original, I do think that it wouldn’t be a terrible experience to play through it sometime :)
Plus, it’s also given me a couple of ideas for some new terrain for the YouTube channel (as I’m kinda tempted to make a couple of obelisks now – one that looks kinda ‘good’ and the other that’s more sinister in appearance).
Anyway, I’ll end this post by saying thank you for following along, and here’s a little gif that I’ve put together that tracks each day’s progress. Enjoy…
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