Thursday, 22 December 2011

Xmas / anniversary competition round four

Today the blog is one year old, and how fast that year has gone ...and while the regular Crooked Staff Productions website has only seen a few minor updates during that time, there have been numerous free additions via the blog (such as the Map-a-Monday project) - which I hope have been of use to a few folks.

In addition Crooked Staff Publishing has also surfaced this year (and with it several new product lines) ...which leads me nicely to this week's competition - whereby one lucky winner can choose any product from the RPGNow/DriveThruRPG store for free.

And this week's winner is (if you hadn't already guessed) ...Jaerdaph


  1. To be honest, even though I wasn't expecting a huge response to the competition, I did think a few more people might be interested in getting their hands on some free stuff. However, not to worry - I'm guessing that I need to increase my online presence (and perhaps offer better products) to make any such competition more successful in the future :)

  2. I did completely miss it :-/

  3. Congratulations on the milestone Kris and THANK YOU very much for the prize! Happy Holidays!

  4. Kris, have you considered "plugging" your blog on the message boards, even if it's just the posts that announce contests, new products and bundle deals, at places like RPGNet on their Ads/Open Promo board, or at EN World? That way more people would see it and you could "tempt them in" with contest giveaway announcements.

  5. Coupon code has been sent (thanks for the e-mail)

    And yeah, whenever I release a new product I usually post a press release/promo over on EN World & a day after I announce things here (in fact I'm off to do just that now :) ).
