Friday, 16 December 2011

Xmas / anniversary competition round three

Apologies for the lateness of this post (I've been rather busy this past week) ...but here's this week's competition entries.

1. Jaerdaph
2. Irsan

And here's the 1d2 roll over on invisible castle: LINK

...with the winner being number 2 yet again ... Irsan!

So just drop me a message bellow to let me know what you would like, and the e-mail address you want the coupon sent to.


  1. Ah, I almost forgot about this. Can I still claim the coupon and which products can I choose? Here's my e-mail address: sanzo84(AT)

  2. Yep :) you can choose any pdf product from the RPGNow/DriveThruRPG store (excluding bundles).

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Apologies for the confusion ...its any (pdf) product from my own storefront on either of those sites on either the DriveThruRPG link or RPGNow Link on the right to see what's there :)

  5. Oops. Sorry for misunderstanding. That was impolite of me. I'll take the Age of Shadow campaign guide.

    Hope you had a great Christmas and will have a happy new year! Keep up the good work and sorry about the confusion.
