Thursday 22 December 2011

The Age of Shadow Xmas special

As you might have noticed, the blog is one year old today - and what better way to celebrate than with an Xmas sale.

So if you've been thinking of picking up any of the books from the Age of Shadow range, you can grab them all for just $5 over on DriveThruRPG & RPGNow.

Offer ends December 31st!

Note that if you already have the campaign guide, and have your DriveThruRPG/RPGNow account set up to receive publisher e-mails, you should soon be receiving a coupon code for just the map-pack (so that you can get it for half it's original price).


  1. This would be a good announcement to post on RPGNet's Ads/Open Promo subforum, or at EN World, if you haven't already. Just a thought. :)

  2. Happy Birthday to Crooked Staff, congratulations Kris.
