Monday, 2 January 2012

2012 Map-a-Monday (week 01)

If you were a little sad to see the 2011 Map-a-Monday project come to an end, then don't despair ...the 2012  Map-a-Monday project has only just begun :)

I'd also like to thank everyone who has purchased the 2011 compilation booklet (which reached number four in the RPGNow charts at one point), and I hope that you all had a good holiday season!


  1. Have tried four times to buy the 2011 compilation book now, and every time RPGNow seems to be having some issues with their checkout feature. Am planning on picking it up, just want to be sure they've handled whatever is going on before I trust entering my credit card numbers there.

  2. That's a little strange :S

    Have you tried DriveThruRPG instead? (the same username/password is used for both)
