Sunday, 25 January 2015

Dungeon Monthly (January 2015)

If you saw yesterday's post, then you'll already be aware of the fact that I'll be continuing the Dungeon Monthly project for at least another year (all being well).

But just in case you're new to the blog, here's a quick recap of how it all started...

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Back in 2011 I had the crazy idea of drawing a dungeon geomorph each and every week, and posting the resulting map here on the blog. As you'd expect, at the end of the year I amassed 52 different maps ...all of which can be found in THIS google+ album.

The following year, I did the same again, except this time I decided to draw cave maps (instead of dungeons) ...all of which can be found in THIS google+ album.

After that I was feeling a little constrained by the size of these geomorphs, and so from 2013 onwards I have been drawing larger maps (though at a slower rate of one per month) ...and thus the Dungeon Monthly project was born.

So, as you can see, although the Dungeon Monthly project is only just entering it's third year, there's actually four years worth of maps to delve into - all of which can be connected to one another to produce a wide variety of dungeon layouts.

 -five maps pieced together to create a large dungeon-

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Anyway, now that I've got all of that out of the way, here's the first map of 2015...

(note that unlabelled versions of all of the maps from 2013 onwards can be found in THIS google+ album).

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It would also be remiss of me if I didn't also mention that I've just launched a Patreon campaign for the Dungeon Monthly Project if you want to show your support (and perhaps spur me on to create even more of these (or similar) maps) then head on over to the Patreon page, or simply let me know what you think in the comments section below :)


  1. I would share some opinions after I read your blog posts and saw your stuff (and bought a pay what you want tiles set).
    Outdoor tiles are so green!! Do some autumn and spring environment. Or other kind of trees.
    Colored dungeon and city tiles are really awesome. I love those tiles.
    But, what about secret passages or strange corners, or laboratories, or torture chambers, or shift chamber to I don't know? Did you mean that the chambers are ready to be filled with 2.5D stuffs or so?
    Done. Bye. Cheers.

    1. Other styles of wilderness map are on the to-do list :)

      Glad you like the city tiles, as they can take quite a long time to draw - but I think it's worth it in the end. I've also got a bunch of dark-age(ish) buildings that I should be releasing soon (that I've drawn in a similar style) - so here's hoping that you'll like those too!

      And with regard to your 'strange corners, laboratories' comment ...was that concerning the 'pay-what-you-want' dungeon tiles?

      ...if so the aim is to have a bunch of 'plain' tiles available to begin with (which I think I've just about covered now) that folks can furnish with their own miniatures/terrain etc. (or indeed with some of my 2.5D creations). After that I'm hoping to produce more tiles like the 'tomb' and 'prison' tiles in expansion set 1 (i.e. rooms & passages with specific features) ...but the problem is finding the time to get it all done :)

      In the meantime here's a little addition I made for the sewer tiles that you might like:

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. Thanks for answered. Yes, it was about p-w-y-w tiles and I agree with your idea, definitely.
      Actually, if you will put a very visible tile with a secret passage... what kind of "secret" passage would be?? xDDD

      You are totally right.

      Thanks again and bye =)

  2. im new to ur site and this is awesome. will definitely be using these for my campaign ( thanks for making these available to everyone

    1. No problem. I hope you're able to get some good use out of them :)
