Monday, 27 February 2017

February's Patreon Roundup

Since I'm drawing quite a few map tiles for the current Patreon campaign, I think that instead of spamming my own blog with constant updates, I'll just post one or two updates each month - to show you guys what I've been working on.

So, without further ado, here's a quick look at all of the geomorphs I've created during February:

And, if you would like to get the full size version of each of these maps (which are scaled at 50 pixels per grid square) you can find them all in THIS ALBUM, or over on GOOGLE DRIVE.

So, as usual, my thanks go out to everyone supporting the project ...and I'll add that if/when I meet my next goal/milestone (which is currently set at $100 per month), I'll start to expand the range with placeable objects and furniture.

Thanks again!

-an example dungeon built with a few tiles from the current set-

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