Sunday, 2 July 2023

Travelling Terrain Kit (for fantasy RPGs)

As I’ve mentioned in a few other places, I’ve recently started playing at the FLGS again (Asgard Games in Walsall) ...and even though I’m just a player in a game at the moment, it’s inevitable that I’ll start running a few sessions there at some point.

Furthermore, in a recent interview-type-thing I did over on AJ Pickett’s channel (HERE is the link if you want to check it out), I was asked if I have some sort of ‘game night kit’ that I take with me when gaming away from home (and/or what do I consider ‘essential items’ to have in such a kit). 

So, in answer to AJs question (and also because it’s something I might need in the near future) – here is a little travelling GM’s kit that I’ve put together:

And, as you can see, it really isn’t that large… it’s just something I can keep at the bottom of my backpack/rucksack (alongside a simple one-page-dungeon) – so that I’m ready to run a game at a moment’s notice (should the need arise :) ).

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