Wednesday, 17 August 2016

Trying Out a Static Grass Applicator

Up until now I've been buying pre-made (self adhesive) grass tufts (like THESE) to stick onto my miniature bases, and I've been really happy with them so far.

However, at roughly £6 each, buying several different kinds/colours can start to add up quickly - plus, as you've probably realised by now, I kinda like to craft my own stuff wherever possible ...and so I thought I'd have a go at making my own.

So, to begin with I have purchased THIS static grass applicator from ebay (there's also a video on that page that shows you how to use it):

...and I know I could have probably made my own for around half the price - but I wanted to jump right in and make some grass tufts ASAP :)

Well, for my very first attempts I used the only static grass that I had to hand (which is way too green for my liking) and some PVA glue...

- 2 pence coin is for scale (roughly 1" diameter) -

...and they've not turned out too bad (though adding the pebbles wasn't a great idea - as those particular ones didn't dry very flat).

However, I then discovered that you can buy a special 'carpet tackifier' glue that dries 'sticky' - thus allowing you to make self-adhesive tufts. And while this glue (when dry) doesn't seem as rigid as that of the pre-made grass tufts I've purchased in the past, it does work rather well.

- my first test pieces using the new glue -

As you can see in the above picture, I also purchased some different length static grass pieces (again from ebay) ...but I had a bit of trouble getting colours that I liked (as they don't always look the same in real life as their picture does ...not to mention the fact that just because the description says 'Autumn' for example, it doesn't mean that the 2mm, 4mm, and 6mm versions will all be the same colour - which is a bit annoying to say the least.).

In the end I found that all of the 'farmyard' colours from THIS ebay seller were to my liking (they're also perfect match colourwise in both the 4mm & 6mm lengths :) ) and so here's a few pictures of my first test pieces.

- all of these had 2 passes with 6mm grass, followed by 2 passes with 4mm - 

...and I'm really pleased with how they've turned out (though they do look a little darker in these pics than they do in real life).

But I've not stopped there...

...these are made from 2mm & 6mm lengths of static grass (with the 6mm lengths used to represent the stalks of the flowers), and the flowers themselves have been made with 'flower soft'...

...which I believe is used in 'card making' (or similar crafts*). And, as you can see, they should be a pretty good size for 28mm mini's.

Now I just need to paint a lot more miniatures so that I can start using all this stuff :)

*I inherited several little tubs of these, along with a  bunch of other craft supplies when my mother passed away a couple of years ago (as she loved to make her own cards etc.) so it's good to be putting these to use.

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