Thursday, 31 January 2013

Tiles of the Dead

In a previous post I mentioned that I have been working on a new tile-set recently, but at the time I was a little reluctant to say exactly what - just in case it didn't turn out as well as I'd hoped.

I had also expected to have the set finished (or at least mostly completed) by the end of this month - but since I've only managed to finish roughly half of what I'd like to include, it's a pretty safe bet to assume that it's more likely to be a late February / Early March release.

Anyway, if you're a regular follower of this blog, you might have half-guessed the theme of this new set when I posted a picture of some of my (modern) zombie miniatures a little while back ...and since I have no new releases to announce this month, I thought that over the coming weeks, I would instead post a few sample pictures of some of the finished* images that will be appearing in this new, zombie-themed, tile-set.

So, with that being said, here's a quick look at one of these new tiles (in this instance - an 'empty' bedroom):

(note that the tile-set will probably have an initial price tag of around $5/£3, and will include rooms commonly found in small houses/apartments)

*might still be modified slightly before release


  1. These look really good so far, look forward to seeing the rest.

    1. Thanks.

      From now on I'm planning to post one or two example rooms (like the one pictured above) each week until the project is done.

      And seeing as how you yourself are a 'zombie-blogger' ...would you be interested in a complementary/review copy of the pdf booklet when it is eventually finished?

  2. The sample looks as good as the sci-fi and dungeon tile sets I obtain from the Drivethrurpg site.
    I look forward to the completed set.

  3. Just a quick question: I purchased the Colony 19 & Wilderness map bundle yesterday.
    In the Colony 19 starter set (page 10), I saw two (1 square) green circular items. They look like large green land mines. Are they canisters? On the same page, there is also a 4 square silver dome-like item.

    1. The green items are indeed barrels/canisters, and the 'dome' is intended to represent some kind of glass chamber (think of the 'healing tank' Luke was suspended in in the Empire Strikes back ...or what the facehugger specimens were stored in in the Aliens movie) :)

  4. Thanks. Was curious about what they were.
    The Colony 19 maps are brilliant.

    I'm sure you get this question asked a lot: what software do you use for making the colony 19 maps and others?

    1. Most of the work is done in photoshop ...though I sometimes rough out the basic shape of things in a cheap vector graphics program called Draw4 (which is kinda like a poor man's version of Adobe Illustrator).

      For example, if you look at the example below, the first image is the 'roughed-out' shape of a kettle (as seen on the recent kitchen tile), and the second image shows what it looks like after I've added textures and shading in photoshop:
