Friday, 18 October 2013

New 'Into the Wilderness' map

I'm pleased to announce the release of the latest map-pack in the Into the Wilderness range.

This new map features a circle of standing stones, and (as is usual) is provided in the following three formats:

1) A pdf booklet containing three versions of the map; one with a square grid overlay, one with a hex grid overlay, and one with no grid overlay at all.

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2) Each map (i.e. the square grid, hex grid, and gridless version) is also provided as a jpg image optimised for use with virtual tabletops.

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3) In addition, all three versions are supplied as multi-page, miniatures scale, pdfs - so that they can also be used as impromptu battle-mats.

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Into the Wilderness: Map 4 is available for just $1.50 over on RPGNow & DriveThruRPG

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