Monday, 4 April 2016

Fungus Caves (patreon funded)

Over on my Patreon page I have a $25 pledge option that enables folks to submit a geomorph sketch of their own - that I will then attempt to draw in my usual style.

Now to be honest, I didn't really expect there to be much interest in that option, so imagine my surprise when one extremely generous patron not only jumps in at this level - but also requests that I simply 'freestyle' a map however I see fit!

So, rather than creating another modular/geomorph-style map, I thought I would spend a little more time on this one - the result of which I've posted below:

As you can see, I've gone with a similar theme to the last geomorph (i.e. a mushroom filled cave), but this time I've drawn it as a (full colour) stand alone map that can be used for an little encounter or two :)

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