Sunday, 3 April 2016

One Mini Every Week #14

I had hoped to get more than one mini painted this week ...but alas, all I had time for was a single archer:

Like the last bunch, this mini is available from Ral Partha Europe, and comes in a pack of two 'orc archers' (the second of which I plan to get painted this coming week).

As I said before, I really like the look of these miniatures (not to mention the fact that they're also pretty cheap), and once I get the rest painted (I think I have about a dozen of these orcs in various poses), I'll have a nice little warband to terrorize my players with ;)

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#oneminieveryweek on G+ and facebook


  1. These miniatures would go great with the D&D module: BX10.

  2. These miniatures would go great with the D&D module: BX10.
