Thursday 22 September 2011

Mathgar Ruins - Part 5


M1. Balcony.

The balcony looks out over half of the hall below (towards the fireplace) where great feasts and merrymaking once took place. Now though the wooden handrail is more than a little unsafe - and anyone applying any pressure to the rail will cause it to break. Note that if someone leans on the rail or is forced into it they will be required to make a dodge/athletics* test to avoid losing their balance and falling down into the hall below (which causes 1d6 damage that bypasses all armour).

*as the situation dictates

  • An easy perception test here (+50%) reveals a feint smell - not too dissimilar to that of unwashed bodies and damp fur.
  • The wooden steps leading down to the ground level have been crudely repaired and are rather ramshackle in their appearance. As such, anyone attempting to move quietly up or down these stairs will be required to make a difficult (-25%) deception test in order to do so.
  • If any beastlings are present in area M3 (see the notes associated with that entry), the GM should allow the party to make simple (+25%) perception tests to hear their clamour.

M2. Guest Quarters.
A small fireplace adorns this small chamber, and little else apart from a thick layer of dirt, dust, and the occasional pottery shard.
  • The door to this chamber has long since vanished, and (because of its lack of windows) it is always a little dark (-25% to vision based perception tests).
  • Any character that attempts a perception test in this room (or attempts to find tracks with a Nature Lore test) will notice that there has been some movement in here recently - between the door and fireplace. This is due to one of the wildlings secreting away a delicate silver necklace and matching bracelet (in a small wooded box) on a narrow ledge inside the chimney flue. Normally a perception test would be used to find these items, but any character actively searching inside the fireplace will automatically find them unless he/she fumbles their roll. An Elvish Culture test identifies the jewellery to be of elvish design and worth around 250BV.

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